java - 如何编写交互式程序(参数和对象)

标签 java object parameters interactive


Write a Java program that includes a method called pay that accepts two parameters: a real number for an employee's hourly wage and an integer for the number of hours the employee worked that day. The method should return how much money to pay the employee for this day.

例如,调用 pay(5.50, 6) 应返回 33.0。 对于超过 8 的任何时间,员工应获得正常小时工资 1.5 倍的“加类”工资。例如,调用 pay(4.00, 11) 应返回 50.0(计算方式为 (4.00 * 8) + (6.00 *3)) .

在此程序的 main 方法中包含四次对 pay 方法的调用。两次调用,每次调用都使用上面给出的示例数据,两次调用,每次调用都使用您确定的数据。


import java.util.*;

public class Payjava {

    //obtain values
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Scanner console = new Scanner(;
        System.out.println(" Wage   : ");
        double wage = console.nextDouble();
        System.out.print(" Hours    :");
        int hours = console.nextInt();

        // compute results
        double overtime = 1.5;
        double overtime = hours > 8 * (wage * 1.5);
        wage = hours * wage;


我建议首先将问题分解为更小的部分。 该问题要求一种计算员工工资的方法,因此这似乎是一个合理的起点。该问题为您提供了该方法的名称以及它应采用哪些参数:

...a method called pay that accepts two parameters: a real number for an employee's hourly wage and an integer for the number of hours the employee worked that day. The method should return how much money to pay the employee for this day.


public double pay(double hourlyWage, int numberOfHours) {
//TODO: complete

然后开始在方法中添加逻辑 - 从不加类的简单情况开始,然后返回并添加加类计算。

最后,请注意,问题要求在主方法中包含四次对 pay 方法的调用 - 因此您实际上不需要提示输入。

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