java - Jboss 7 需要替代 JRE

标签 java jboss

有问题。在启动服务器jboss 7.1.1之前,我遇到一个问题:

**Error:** JDK 1.7 (or earlier) should be specified either as project SDK or 
alternative JRE

我在项目中使用jdk 1.8。我只能使用 1.6 JRE 来处理 JBOSS。

如果我在项目中使用 1.8,并在 jboss 中使用 1.6 jre,则会出现不支持的 Major.minor 版本 52.0 错误。

我可以在 1.8 上更改 JBOSS 的 jdk 吗?以及如何做到这一点?


我在 JBoss 开发者开发者论坛上找到了下面的帖子。

简而言之,您需要将各种错误修复向后移植到 JBoss AS 7,才能使其在 Java 8 JRE 上运行。升级到 Wildfly 会更好/更容易。 (他说。)


Re: AS 7 on Java 8 by Tomaz Cerar Apr 8, 2015 6:18 AM (in response to Matija Vizintin)

Any big reason you cannot upgrade to WildFly 8?

Core issue that prevents boot of AS7 on JDK8 is

which was fixed by

You could apply this commit to tag and rebuild it.

but, this will only make sure server starts on JDK8, there ware handful of other fixes / changes that we needed to address to make sure testsuite passes properly.

In any case, i would recommend you to go with WildFly 8.2.0.Final.

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