java - 如何在HistoricalMoment类中调用increment方法()?

标签 java class methods increment bluej



public class HistoricalMoment{
    private String eventName;
    private ClockDisplay timeOfEvent;
    public static final int MIDNIGHT_HOUR = 00;
    public static final int MINUTE_ZERO = 00;

如何创建一个名为 public void addMinuteToTimeOfEvent() 的方法,该方法调用 timeOfEvent 的increment() 方法来为 timeOfEvent 添加一分钟?


public void addMinuteToTimeOfEvent(){

但是当我点击 BlueJ 上的编译按钮时,我收到此错误消息:“找不到符号 - 方法increment()”



public class HistoricalMoment{

    private String eventName;
    private ClockDisplay timeOfEvent;

    public static final int MIDNIGHT_HOUR = 00;
    public static final int MINUTE_ZERO = 00;

    public static final String EQUINOX = "March 2013 Equinox!";
    public static final String TITANIC = "Titanic hit an iceberg!";

     * Default Constructor
    public HistoricalMoment(){
        eventName = "untitled event";
        timeOfEvent = new ClockDisplay(MIDNIGHT_HOUR, MINUTE_ZERO);

     * @param nameOfTheEvent the name of the event; "untitled event" if the name of the event is null or ""
    public HistoricalMoment(String nameOfTheEvent){
        if ((nameOfTheEvent == null) || (nameOfTheEvent.equals(""))){
            eventName = "untitled event";
            timeOfEvent = new ClockDisplay(MIDNIGHT_HOUR, MINUTE_ZERO);
        else {
            eventName = nameOfTheEvent;
            timeOfEvent = new ClockDisplay(MIDNIGHT_HOUR, MINUTE_ZERO);

     * @param nameOfTheEvent the name of the event;
     * @param ClockDisplay, the time of the event
    public HistoricalMoment(String nameOfTheEvent, ClockDisplay theTime){
        if ((nameOfTheEvent == null) || (nameOfTheEvent.equals(""))){
            eventName = "untitled event";
            timeOfEvent = new ClockDisplay(MIDNIGHT_HOUR, MINUTE_ZERO);
        else {
            eventName = nameOfTheEvent;
            timeOfEvent = theTime;

    public void addMinuteToTimeOfEvent(){

     * the print details of time and event
    public void printDetails()
        System.out.println("At" + getTime() + "," + eventName);

这是我为 ClockDisplay 类所做的:

public class ClockDisplay
    private NumberDisplay hours;
    private NumberDisplay minutes;
    private String displayString;    // simulates the actual display

    public static final int FIRST_MORNING_HOUR  = 0;
    public static final int LAST_MORNING_HOUR   = 11;
    public static final int FIRST_EVENING_HOUR      = 12;
    public static final int LAST_EVENING_HOUR       = 23;
    public static final int MINUTES_PER_HOUR        = 60;
    public static final String MORNING_SUFFIX       = "a.m.";
    public static final String EVENING_SUFFIX       = "p.m.";
    public static final int MIDNIGHT_HOUR       = 0;
    public static final int HOURS_PER_DAY       = 0;
    private boolean isAM;

     * Constructor for ClockDisplay objects. This constructor 
     * creates a new clock set at 00:00.
    public ClockDisplay()
        hours = new NumberDisplay(12);
        minutes = new NumberDisplay(60);

     * Constructor for ClockDisplay objects. This constructor
     * creates a new clock set at the time specified by the 
     * parameters.
    public ClockDisplay(int hour, int minute)
        hours = new NumberDisplay(12);
        minutes = new NumberDisplay(60);
        setTime(hour, minute);

     * This method should get called once every minute - it makes
     * the clock display go one minute forward.
    public void timeTick()
        if(minutes.getValue() == 0) {  // it just rolled over!
        if (hours.getValue() == 12)
            isAM = !isAM;


    private void setMorn()
        isAM = true;

    private void setAft()
        isAM = false;   

     * Set the time of the display to the specified hour and
     * minute.
    public void setTime(int hour, int minute)

     * Return the current time of this display in the format HH:MM.
    public String getTime()
        return displayString;

     * Update the internal string that represents the display.
    private void updateDisplay()
        int hour = hours.getValue();
        String daynight;
        if (isAM = true)
            daynight = "AM (midnight)";
            if (hour == 0) 
                hour = 12;   
            else if(hour > 0 && hour < 12){
                daynight ="AM";
                isAM = false;
                daynight = "PM (noon)";
                if (hour == 0) 
                    hour = 12;   
                else if(hour < 0 && hour > 12)
                    daynight ="PM";
            displayString = hour + ":" + 
            minutes.getDisplayValue() + daynight;



timeOfEvent是你的类的一个实例 ClockDisplay 。您正在调用方法 increment() ,实际上并不属于 ClockDisplay而是NumberDisplay 。在我看来你会想打电话 timeTick()相反,它调用 increment()minutes ( NumberDisplay 的实例属于 ClockDisplay )。


public void addMinuteToTimeOfEvent(){

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