java - 为链表类的子字符串开发替换方法

标签 java string linked-list sublist

我有 LString 类,它模仿标准 Java String 和 StringBuilder 类。我在开始实现替换方法以将子字符串“LString”的字符替换为“lStr”中的字符时遇到问题。我的替换方法位于代码底部。

如果 If start == end,则给出特殊情况,这会在 LString 中的给定位置插入“lStr”。如果 start == end == this.length(),则将 lStr 附加到此 LString 的末尾。

public class LString {

    node front;
    int length;
    LString next;

    // create node class
    public class node {
        char data;
        node next;

        public node(char newData) {
            data = newData;

        public node(char newData, node newNext) {
            data = newData;
            next = newNext;

    // LString constructor
    // constructs LString object representing empty list of chars
    public LString(){
        this.length = 0;
        this.front = null;

    // Construct LString copy of original parameter
    public LString(String original){
        //assign first char to front
        node curr = this.front;
        this.length = original.length();
        // loop through
        for (int i = 0; i < original.length(); i++) {
            if (i==0) {
                front = new node(original.charAt(i), null);
                curr = front;
       = new node(original.charAt(i), null);
                curr =;

    // return length in this LString
    // can use in LString constructor
    public int length(){
        return this.length;

    //create and return string with contents of LString
    public String toString(){
        // use string builder to meet time limit
        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
        if(front == null){
            return "";
            node curr = front;
            while(curr != null){
                curr =;

            return builder.toString();

    //compares string lists 0 if equal -1 if less, and 1 if greater
    public int compareTo(LString anotherLString){
        //save lowest length of strings
        int minLength;
        // get front spots
        node curr = this.front;
        node otherCurr = anotherLString.front;
        // get lengths
        int thisString = length();
        int otherString = anotherLString.length();
        // get shortest length of 2 strings
        if(thisString < otherString){
            minLength = thisString;
        }else {
            minLength = otherString;
        //go through characters in each string and compare for lexicographic order
        int iterate = 0;
        while(iterate < minLength){
            char string1Char =;
            char string2Char =;
            if  (string1Char != string2Char) {
                return string1Char - string2Char;
            curr =;
            otherCurr =;
        return thisString - otherString;

    //Return true if LString represents the same list of characters as other
    public boolean equals(Object other) {
        if (other == null || !(other instanceof LString))
            return false;
            // use compareTo to determine if strings are the same
            LString otherLString = (LString)other;
            if(compareTo(otherLString) == 0){
                return true;
                return false;

    //Return the char at the given index in this LString.
    public char charAt(int index){
        int length = this.length();
        // check for index out of bounds
        if(index < 0 || index >= length){
            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
        // returns char at index
        node curr = front;
        for (int i = 0; i < index; i++) {
            curr =;

    //Set the char at the given index in this LString to ch.
    public void setCharAt(int index, char ch){
        // check for index out of bounds
        int length = this.length();
        if(index < 0 || index >= length){
            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
        // replaces char at index
        node curr = front;
        for (int i = 0; i < index; i++){
            curr =;
        } = new node(,; = ch;

    //Returns a new LString that is a sub-string of this LString.
    public LString substring(int start, int end) {
        LString newLString = new LString();
        // handle exceptions
        if (start < 0 || start > end) {
            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
        } else if (end > this.length()) {
            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
            //return null in special case (empty LString)
        } else if (start == end) {
            //&& end == this.length()
            return newLString;
        } else {
            node node = this.front;
            for (int i = 0; i < start; i++) {
                node =;
                // insert substring
            node copy = new node(;
            newLString.front = copy;
            for (int i = start + 1; i < end; i++) {
                node =;
                copy = = new node(;
            return newLString;

    // Replaces this characters in a sub-string of this LString with the characters in lStr.
    public LString  replace(int start, int end, LString lStr) {

        // handle exceptions
        if(start <0 || start >end) {
            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
        } else if (end > this.length()) {
            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
        return null;
} // end class
                // create new LString
        LString newLString = new LString();

        node node = this.front;
        // to copy
        node copy = new node(;
        // for node to replace
        node replace = lStr.front;

        if (start == end) {
            LString newLStr = new LString();
            return newLStr;
        if (start == end && start == this.length()) {
            LString newLStr = new LString();
            return newLStr;

//append / prepend methods for linked list
    public void append(int data){
        if (front == null){
            front = new node(data);
            end = front;
        else {
   = new node(data);
            end =;

    public void prepend(int data){
        if (front == null){
            end = new node(data);
            front = end;
        else {
            front = new node(data,front);

replace 之前的方法返回一个新的 LString,它是此 LString 的子字符串。感谢您的帮助,谢谢。



public LString replace(int start, int end, LString replacement){
   //Do exception checks for start/end values here

   LString replacedLs = new LString();
   replacedLs.append(substring(0, start));
   replacedLs.append(substring(end, this.length));
   return replacedLs;

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