java - JUnit 测试 Spring @Async void 服务方法

标签 java spring junit spring-async

我有一个 Spring 服务:

public class SomeService {

    public void asyncMethod(Foo foo) {
        // processing takes significant time

我对此有一个集成测试 SomeService :

@SpringApplicationConfiguration(classes = Application.class)
public class SomeServiceIntTest {

    private SomeService someService;

        public void testAsyncMethod() {

            Foo testData = prepareTestData();



        // verifyResult() with assertions, etc.


  • 作为 SomeService.asyncMethod(..)注释为 @Async
  • 作为 SpringJUnit4ClassRunner遵守 @Async语义

testAsyncMethod线程将 fork 调用 someService.asyncMethod(testData)进入自己的工作线程,然后直接继续执行verifyResults() ,可能在前一个工作线程完成其工作之前。

我该如何等待 someService.asyncMethod(testData)在验证结果之前完成?注意 How do I write a unit test to verify async behavior using Spring 4 and annotations? 的解决方案 这里不适用,如 someService.asyncMethod(testData)返回 void ,而不是 Future<?> .


对于要遵守的 @Async 语义,some active @Configuration class will have the @EnableAsync annotation ,例如

public class AsyncConfiguration implements AsyncConfigurer {



为了解决我的问题,我引入了一个新的 Spring 配置文件non-async

如果 non-async 配置文件处于 Activity 状态,则使用 AsyncConfiguration:

public class AsyncConfiguration implements AsyncConfigurer {

  // this configuration will be active as long as profile "non-async" is not (!) active


如果非异步配置文件处于 Activity 状态,则使用 NonAsyncConfiguration:

// notice the missing @EnableAsync annotation
public class NonAsyncConfiguration {

  // this configuration will be active as long as profile "non-async" is active


现在在有问题的 JUnit 测试类中,我显式激活了“非异步”配置文件以相互排除异步行为:

@SpringApplicationConfiguration(classes = Application.class)
@ActiveProfiles(profiles = "non-async")
public class SomeServiceIntTest {

    private SomeService someService;

        public void testAsyncMethod() {

            Foo testData = prepareTestData();



        // verifyResult() with assertions, etc.

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