
标签 java object arraylist overriding compareto

我是新来的,正在寻找有关我的代码的一些建议。我正在尝试使 arrayList ArrayList<patient> heartPatientArray = new ArrayList<patient>(); //heart patients 成为可能能够在patient's上进行排序arrivalTime


    class patient implements Comparable
    int typeSickness; //1 for heart 2 for gastro 3 for bleeding
    double arrivalTime; //what time they arrived   SORT BY
    int deathTime; // what time they are set to balk or die
    int status; //0 for being cared for, 1 to n for location in line, -1 if dead
    int personalNumberInLine; //personal number in line updated everytime someone enters the line
    double timeSpentInQueue; //total time before they either died or were able to be treated
    int idOfPerson; //unique id the person gets when entering the queue
    boolean isAlive;

    public patient(int sickness, double arrival, int ID) { //sets the patients sickness, time arrived, and ID
        idOfPerson = ID;
    public int getTypeSickness() {
        return typeSickness;
    public void setTypeSickness(int typeSickness) {
        this.typeSickness = typeSickness;
    public double getArrivalTime() {
        return arrivalTime;
    public void setArrivalTime(double arrivalTime) {
        this.arrivalTime = arrivalTime;
    public int getDeathTime() {
        return deathTime;
    public void setDeathTime(int deathTime) {
        this.deathTime = deathTime;

    public int getStatus() {
        return status;
    public void setStatus(int status) {
        this.status = status;
    public int getNumberInLine() {
        return personalNumberInLine;
    public void setNumberInLine(int numberInLine) {
        this.personalNumberInLine = numberInLine;
    public int compareTo(patient one) {
        if (this.getArrivalTime() < one.getArrivalTime()) {
            return -1;
        else if(this.getArrivalTime() > one.getArrivalTime()){
            return 1;

        return 0;

some code edited out for time's sake

我尝试根据网上找到的一些代码对其进行样式设置,但在 compareTo(patient one) 上收到错误删除覆盖符号,以及 class patient implements Comparable 上的错误告诉我必须使类抽象。

正确实现compareTo后,我将如何对 heartPatientArray 进行排序?


您正在实现 Comparable原始形式界面。正因为如此,compareTo需要 Object ,这解释了为什么您在尝试实现该接口(interface)时遇到错误。


class patient implements Comparable<patient>

然后你的compareTo方法按原样将实现 Comparable<patient>正确地。

通常,Java 命名约定会要求将类名大写。

class Patient implements Comparable<Patient>




Collections.sort(heartPatientArray, Comparator.reverseOrder());

一般来说,您可以通过传递 Comparator<Patient> 的实例来对它进行任意排序。 ,实现Comparatorcompare方法,注意将类型参数传递给 Comparable就像我们现在为 Comparable 所做的那样。然后传递 Comparator<Patient> 的实例作为 Collections.sort 的第二个参数.

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