java - 是否可以逐出spring缓存部分数据?

标签 java spring caching ehcache spring-cache

给定这些实体和存储库来访问 DDBB 中的数据:

public class Customer {
Long id;

public class Purchase {
    Long customerId;

public lass PurchaseDAO {

   public void insert(Purchase insert);

   public void deleteCustomerPurchases(Long customerId);

   public long getTotalPurchasesAmount(Long customerId);

   public long getTotalPurchasesAmountPerMonth(Long customerId, int month);

我想为方法 getTotalPurchaseAmounts(Long customerId) 添加缓存,这样,当为客户添加一些购买时,只有该客户的购买被驱逐。




public class CommonConfig {

    public CacheManager cacheManager() {
        EhCacheCacheManager cacheManager = new EhCacheCacheManager();
        cacheManager.setCacheManager( ehCacheManager().getObject() );
        return cacheManager;

    public EhCacheManagerFactoryBean ehCacheManager() {
        EhCacheManagerFactoryBean ehcache = new EhCacheManagerFactoryBean();
        ehcache.setConfigLocation( new ClassPathResource( "ehcache.xml" ) );
        return ehcache;


由于 spring 缓存(和 ehcache)逐出受到每个元素或所有条目的限制,我开发的解决方案是动态创建缓存(每个客户一个),这样我就可以逐出它们。

我认为最好的扩展点是实现自定义 CacheResolver:

public class CustomerPurchasesCacheResolver implements CacheResolver {

    private EhCacheCacheManager cacheManager;

    public Collection<? extends Cache> resolveCaches( CacheOperationInvocationContext<?> context ) {
        String cacheName = "customerPurchases_" + getCustomerId( context );
        // Add cache to cacheManager if it does not exists
        cacheManager.getCacheManager().addCacheIfAbsent( cacheName );

        Set<Cache> caches = new HashSet<>();
        caches.add( cacheManager.getCache( cacheName ) );
        return caches;

    // Retrieves customerId from cache operation invocation context;
    private Long getCustomerId( CacheOperationInvocationContext<?> context ) {
    String key = ( (CacheOperation) context.getOperation() ).getKey();
        // TODO Evaluate key
        // HOW CAN I DO THIS????????????
        return null;


并将 Spring 缓存添加到我的存储库方法中:

public lass PurchaseDAO {

   @CacheEvict(cacheResolver="CustomerPurchasesCacheResolver", key="#purchase.customerId")       
   public void insert(Purchase purchase);

   @CacheEvict(cacheResolver="CustomerPurchasesCacheResolver", key="#customerId")       
   public void deleteCustomerPurchases(Long customerId);

   public long getTotalPurchasesAmount(Long customerId);

   public long getTotalPurchasesAmountPerMonth(Long customerId, int month);


我使用这种方法遇到的唯一问题是使用 Spring 表达式评估 key 。



为每条客户记录创建缓存有点过分了。使用 SpEL,您可以指定要驱逐的客户记录的 key 。配置ehcache,使之有1个客户缓存。然后,您更改PurchaseDAO 方法,以便它们指定要缓存或逐出的 key 。更改您的代码如下

@CacheEvict(value = "customerCache" , key="#purchase.customerId")       
public void insert(Purchase purchase);

@Cacheable( value = "customerCache" ,key = "#customerId") // you can omit the key if using default key generator as it still uses the method argument
public long getTotalPurchasesAmount(Long customerId);

但是,为了回答有关从 CacheResolver 获取 customerId 的问题,CacheOperationInvocationContext 有一个 getArgs() 方法,该方法返回传递给要缓存的方法的参数。

 private Long getCustomerId( CacheOperationInvocationContext<?> context ) {
        Object[] args = context.getArgs();
        Object firstArg = args[0];
        if(firstArg instanceof Long){
           return (Long)firstArg;
        else if(firstArg instanceof Purchase){
            Purchase purchase = (Purchase)firstArg;
            return purchase.getCustomerId();
        return null;

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