java - append 到文本文件,同时将存储的数据保留在文本文件中

标签 java eclipse io append

public static void InandOut() {

    Scanner scnThree = new Scanner(;
    String days[] = {"Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday"};

    for(int iNum = 0; iNum < days.length; iNum++){
        System.out.printf("Enter time-in for %s: ", days[iNum]);
        timein = scnThree.nextLine();
        System.out.printf("Enter time-out for %s: ", days[iNum]);
        timeout = scnThree.nextLine();

        String strIn[] = timein.split(":");
        float intIn[] = new float[strIn.length];

        for(int i = 0; i < intIn.length; i++) {
            intIn[i] = Integer.parseInt(strIn[i]);

        float minutesIn = intIn[1] / 60;
        float hoursIn = intIn[0] + minutesIn;

        String strOut[] = timeout.split(":");
        float intOut[] = new float[strOut.length];

        for(int i = 0; i < intOut.length; i++){
            intOut[i] = Integer.parseInt(strOut[i]);

        float minutesOut = intOut[1] / 60;
        float hoursOut = intOut[0] + minutesOut;

        late = hoursIn - 8;
        undertime = 17 - hoursOut;
        dailyworkhours = 8 - (late + undertime);
        totalLate += late;
        totalUndertime += undertime;
        totalNumberofWorkHours += dailyworkhours;

            oFile = new Formatter("DTR.txt");
        }catch(Exception e){
            System.out.println("You've got an error!");

        oFile.format("\n%s\t %s\t %s", days[iNum], timein, timeout);


    System.out.print("Enter the coverage date of this payroll: ");
    coverDate = scnThree.nextLine();

如何 append 到文本文件而不影响文本文件中存储的数据?这只是我的代码的摘录。上面的方法应该在每个循环中在文本文件中输入时间和超时时间,但它只会替换文本文件中存储的数据。这总是会弹出。

DTR.txt pop-up


使用FileOutpuStream设置流,这将允许指定您想要 append 到当前文件

    try (Formatter oFile = new Formatter(new FileOutputStream("DTR.txt", true))) {
    } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {



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