java - 如何更改 JTable 多个不同位置的颜色单元格?

标签 java swing jtable

我有一个 JTable 对象,它显示 Excel 表格的内容。加载另一个 Excel 表格后,必须显示差异(因此某些单元格将更改其背景颜色,例如蓝色)。这是我的表的结构。

enter image description here


 tblGSM.setDefaultRenderer(Object.class, new CustomTableRenderer(diffs));

public class CustomTableRenderer extends DefaultTableCellRenderer {

    private Vector<Diff> diffs;

public PersoTableRenderer(Vector<Diff> diffs){
    this.diffs = diffs;

public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int column) {

   Component c = null;

    for (int x = 0; x < diffs.size(); x++){

        Diff d = diffs.elementAt(x);

        c = super.getTableCellRendererComponent(table, value, isSelected, hasFocus, 
                d.getRow(), d.getColumn());
    return c;

A class to store the difference of corresponding cells

public class Diff {
    private int row, col;

    public Diff(int row, int col){
        this.row = row;
        this.col = col;

    public Diff(){

    public int getRow(){
        return row;

    public int getColumn(){
        return col;

我的问题是差异已正确填充,但应更改的单元格颜色却未正确填充。结果第 1、2、、3 和 7 列中的所有单元格都已更改。那么解决办法是什么呢?


来自the documentation for DefaultTableCellRenderer (强调我的):

However JTable employs a unique mechanism for rendering its cells and therefore requires some slightly modified behavior from its cell renderer. The table class defines a single cell renderer and uses it as a as a rubber-stamp for rendering all cells in the table; it renders the first cell, changes the contents of that cell renderer, shifts the origin to the new location, re-draws it, and so on.




c = super.getTableCellRendererComponent(..., row, column)

// also don't forget to translate to model coords
model_row = table.convertRowIndexToModel(row)
model_column = table.convertColumnIndexToModel(column)

if diffs contains model_row,model_column:
    c.setBackground(table.getBackground()) // don't forget to reset

return c


顺便说一下,而不是存储 Vector<Diff>在你的渲染器中,你确实应该使用正确的 TableModel为此,然后查询模型以获取信息。通过一个合理实现的模型,这还可以让您恒定时间查找单元格是否应该为蓝色,而不必搜索 Diff 的整个列表。 s。

PS:Don't forget to translate your renderer/view coordinates to model coordinates当与您的 Diff 一起工作时s,假设它们位于模型坐标中。 View 坐标可能与模型坐标不一致,例如表已排序或用户已重新排列列。我已经在上面的伪代码中展示了这一点。

Here is a complete example显示表格模型和每个单元格自定义背景的使用。您可以对表格进行排序并重新排列其列。

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