java - 在列表中创建互斥值

标签 java arrays list mutual-exclusion


P1 Hand: 10 of diamonds, 9 of clubs, 5 of spades, Queen of spades, 4 of clubs.
P2 Hand: 7 of diamonds, 10 of spades, Jack of clubs, 6 of diamonds, 5 of clubs.
P3 Hand: 8 of spades, 8 of diamonds, 4 of spades, 3 of spades, 10 of hearts.
P4 Hand: Ace of spades, 8 of clubs, 6 of spades, Jack of spades, 3 of hearts.


import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.ArrayList;

public class cardGame {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Random sad = new Random();
    ArrayList<String> all = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList("Ace of spades","2 of spades","3 of spades","4 of spades","5 of spades","6 of spades","7 of spades","8 of spades","9 of spades","10 of spades","Jack of spades","Queen of spades","King of spades","Ace of spades","2 of spades","3 of spades","4 of spades","5 of spades","6 of spades","7 of spades","8 of spades","9 of spades","10 of spades","Jack of spades","Queen of spades","King of spades","Ace of hearts","2 of hearts","3 of hearts","4 of hearts","5 of hearts","6 of hearts","7 of hearts","8 of hearts","9 of hearts","10 of hearts","Jack of hearts","Queen of hearts","King of hearts","Ace of diamonds","2 of diamonds","3 of diamonds","4 of diamonds","5 of diamonds","6 of diamonds","7 of diamonds","8 of diamonds","9 of diamonds","10 of diamonds","Jack of diamonds","Queen of diamonds","King of diamonds","Ace of clubs","2 of clubs","3 of clubs","4 of clubs","5 of clubs","6 of clubs","7 of clubs","8 of clubs","9 of clubs","10 of clubs","Jack of clubs","Queen of clubs","King of clubs"));
    ArrayList<String> trump = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList("spades","hearts","diamonds","clubs"));
    System.out.println("Boure hands and trump game.");
    System.out.println("Trump: " + trump.remove(sad.nextInt(trump.size())) + ".");
    System.out.println("P1 Hand: " + all.remove(sad.nextInt(all.size())) + ", " + all.remove(sad.nextInt(all.size())) + ", " + all.remove(sad.nextInt(all.size())) + ", " + all.remove(sad.nextInt(all.size())) + ", " + all.remove(sad.nextInt(all.size())) + ".");
    System.out.println("P2 Hand: " + all.remove(sad.nextInt(all.size())) + ", " + all.remove(sad.nextInt(all.size())) + ", " + all.remove(sad.nextInt(all.size())) + ", " + all.remove(sad.nextInt(all.size())) + ", " + all.remove(sad.nextInt(all.size())) + ".");
    System.out.println("P3 Hand: " + all.remove(sad.nextInt(all.size())) + ", " + all.remove(sad.nextInt(all.size())) + ", " + all.remove(sad.nextInt(all.size())) + ", " + all.remove(sad.nextInt(all.size())) + ", " + all.remove(sad.nextInt(all.size())) + ".");
    System.out.println("P4 Hand: " + all.remove(sad.nextInt(all.size())) + ", " + all.remove(sad.nextInt(all.size())) + ", " + all.remove(sad.nextInt(all.size())) + ", " + all.remove(sad.nextInt(all.size())) + ", " + all.remove(sad.nextInt(all.size())) + ".");



从一副牌组开始,然后将牌从牌组中移除并添加到每个玩家中。 PlayerCollection,它模拟了Player 的手牌。


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