java - Java 构造函数的 Scala 继承

标签 java scala inheritance constructor multiple-constructors

我需要一个从 java.math.BigDecimal 继承的 Scala 类 HugeDecimal。由于内部原因,它不可能成为一种特征。简单实现如下:

class HugeDecimal extends java.math.BigDecimal {


Error:(1187, 37) overloaded method constructor BigDecimal with alternatives:
  (x$1: Long,x$2: java.math.MathContext)java.math.BigDecimal <and>
  (x$1: Long)java.math.BigDecimal <and>
  (x$1: Int,x$2: java.math.MathContext)java.math.BigDecimal <and>
  (x$1: Int)java.math.BigDecimal <and>
  (x$1: java.math.BigInteger,x$2: Int,x$3: java.math.MathContext)java.math.BigDecimal <and>
  (x$1: java.math.BigInteger,x$2: Int)java.math.BigDecimal <and>
  (x$1: java.math.BigInteger,x$2: java.math.MathContext)java.math.BigDecimal <and>
  (x$1: java.math.BigInteger)java.math.BigDecimal <and>
  (x$1: Double,x$2: java.math.MathContext)java.math.BigDecimal <and>
  (x$1: Double)java.math.BigDecimal <and>
  (x$1: String,x$2: java.math.MathContext)java.math.BigDecimal <and>
  (x$1: String)java.math.BigDecimal <and>
  (x$1: Array[Char],x$2: java.math.MathContext)java.math.BigDecimal <and>
  (x$1: Array[Char])java.math.BigDecimal <and>
  (x$1: Array[Char],x$2: Int,x$3: Int,x$4: java.math.MathContext)java.math.BigDecimal <and>
  (x$1: Array[Char],x$2: Int,x$3: Int)java.math.BigDecimal
 cannot be applied to ()


class HugeDecimal(d: Double) extends java.math.BigDecimal(d) {
  def this(str: String) = this(str.toDouble)
  def this(i: Int) = this(i.toDouble)

但是我需要能够从父类(super class)继承所有构造函数,而不偏向任何单个父类(super class)构造函数。即,我需要 String 构造函数调用父类(super class)的 String 构造函数。

答案Scala inheritance from Java class: select which super constructor to callIn Scala, how can I subclass a Java class with multiple constructors?建议使用特征或由辅助构造函数委托(delegate)给的主构造函数,但是这些都不适合我的场景,因为我需要从可以调用以下内容的 Java 代码进行访问:

new HugeDecimal("12.34")
new HugeDecimal(1234)




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