java - Spring Reactor 中的模拟服务

标签 java spring-boot mockito spring-webflux reactor


public Mono<SuccessResponse> doSomething(){
        return service1.doSomething()
            .thenReturn(new SuccessResponse("Awesome")));

所以基本上我想测试这个方法的场景,其中 service1.doSomething() 将抛出错误:

when(service1.doSomething()).thenReturn(Mono.error(new IllegalStateException("Something bad happened")));
when(service2.doSomething()).thenReturn(Mono.just(new SomeResponse()))

assertThatThrownBy(() -> testedService.doSomething().block())

verify(service2, never()).doSomething(); //Why this is executed!?

我的问题是为什么 service2.doSomething() 被执行一次?它不应该被执行,因为 service1.doSomething() 在上面抛出一个错误...


service2.doSomething()的原因调用方法是当 Mono可能是懒惰的,显然调用运算符(operator)不是。您急切地调用将返回惰性 Mono 的方法s,从而组装出一个处理管道。


    //exception is CREATED immediately, but USED lazily
return Mono.error(new IllegalStateException())
    //mono is CREATED immediately. The data it will emit is also CREATED immediately. But it all triggers LAZILY.
    .then(Mono.just(new SomeResponse()))
    //note that then* operators completely ignore previous step's result (unless it is an error)
    .thenReturn(new SuccessResponse("Awesome"))); 

一些运营商接受SupplierFunction它为这种急切的构造风格提供了一种懒惰的替代方案。一种通用的方法是使用 Mono.defer :

public Mono<SuccessResponse> doSomething(){
        return service1.doSomething()
            .thenReturn(new SuccessResponse("Awesome")));

但我认为除非 service2隐藏一个非惰性源(例如,从 Mono 改编而来的 CompletableFuture )问题不在于 doSomething但测试


reactor-test 中提供了一个技巧就是包裹Mono.just/Mono.errorPublisherProbe 。这可以用来模拟 Mono就像您所做的那样,但增加了对 Mono 的执行提供断言的功能: 订阅了吗?是被要求的吗?

//this is ultimately tested by the assertThrownBy, let's keep it that way:
when(service1.doSomething()).thenReturn(Mono.error(new IllegalStateException("Something bad happened")));

//this will be used to ensure the `service2` Mono is never actually used: 
PublisherProbe<SomeResponse> service2Probe = PublisherProbe.of(Mono.just(new SomeResponse()));
//we still need the mock to return a Mono version of our probe

assertThatThrownBy(() -> testedService.doSomething().block())

//service2 might have returned a lazy Mono, but it was never actually used:

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