JAVA com.mongodb.MongoQueryException : Query failed with error code 13 and error message 'command find requires authentication'

标签 java mongodb mongo-java-driver

com.mongodb.MongoQueryException: Query failed with error code 13 and error message 'command find requires authentication'



public MongoClient(final ServerAddress addr, final List<MongoCredential> credentialsList);

但它显示为已弃用,还有另一种方法需要 MongoClientOptions:

public MongoClient(final ServerAddress addr, final MongoCredential credential, final MongoClientOptions options)



要执行 find 命令,您需要先通过 mongo 进行身份验证。 如何进行身份验证的示例:

Mongo mongo = new Mongo("localhost", 27017);
DB db = mongo.getDB("testdb");

boolean auth = db.authenticate("testdb", "password".toCharArray());
if (auth) {

    DBCollection table = db.getCollection("user");

    BasicDBObject document = new BasicDBObject();
    document.put("name", "mkyong");

    System.out.println("Login is successful!");
} else {
    System.out.println("Login is failed!");



当使用 mongo-java-driver 时,以下内容是合适的: - 请注意,这不再使用已弃用的方法,而是将 writeconcern 设置为 Journaled(推荐)

String username = "test";
String database = "something";
String password = "secret";

MongoCredential mongoCredential = MongoCredential.createCredential(username, database, password.toCharArray());
MongoClientOptions options = MongoClientOptions.builder()

MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient(new ServerAddress("host1", 27017), Arrays.asList(mongoCredential), options);

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