windows - Apache/Windows 上的 Mercurial 服务器

标签 windows apache mercurial

我正在搜索信息以使用推送模型为 Windows(7 或 XP)设置 Mercurial Server(xampp,如果知道它有用的话),就像在 this question 中一样。但我的团队由 5 到 8 个(无偿付能力的)人组成,每个人都在不同的地方工作,所以我不认为 bitbucket 解决方案或任何其他非私有(private) repo 。

我认为this post会成功的,但我之前没有使用过 cgi,



我现在收到此错误:脚本 header 过早结束:hgwebdir.cgi

日志错误显示“没有名为 mercurial 的模块”

这是我的 hgwebdir.cgi 文件

# An example CGI script to export multiple hgweb repos, edit as necessary

# adjust python path if not a system-wide install:
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, "c:/mercurial_library")

# enable importing on demand to reduce startup time
from mercurial import demandimport; demandimport.enable()

# Uncomment to send python tracebacks to the browser if an error occurs:
#import cgitb

# If you'd like to serve pages with UTF-8 instead of your default
# locale charset, you can do so by uncommenting the following lines.
# Note that this will cause your .hgrc files to be interpreted in
# UTF-8 and all your repo files to be displayed using UTF-8.
#import os
#os.environ["HGENCODING"] = "UTF-8"

from mercurial.hgweb.hgwebdir_mod import hgwebdir
import mercurial.hgweb.wsgicgi as wsgicgi
application = hgwebdir('hgweb.config')


我使用了 HgWebDir instructions :

这是我为 mercurial 站点编写的 httpd.conf 文件(略有编辑):

<VirtualHost *:88>
    DocumentRoot c:/apache_sites/hg
    RewriteEngine on

    RewriteRule ^/$ /public [R]
    RewriteRule ^/public(.*) /public/hgwebdir.cgi$1 [L]
    RewriteRule ^/private(.*) /private/hgwebdir.cgi$1 [L]

    # mod_alias alternative (pretty url's)
    <Directory c:/apache_sites/hg >
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all
        AllowOverride All
        Options ExecCGI
        AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
    <Location /private/>
        AuthType Digest
        AuthName ""
        AuthDigestProvider file
        AuthUserFile c:/apache_sites/hg/hgusers
        AuthGroupFile c:/apache_sites/hg/hggroup
        AuthDigestDomain /private/
        Require group owner
    <Location /public/>
        AuthType Digest
        AuthName ""
        AuthDigestProvider file
        AuthUserFile c:/apache_sites/hg/hgusers
        AuthGroupFile c:/apache_sites/hg/hggroup
        AuthDigestDomain /public/
        <LimitExcept GET>
            Require group developer

    LogLevel debug
    ErrorLog "c:/apache/logs/hg-error.log"
    CustomLog "c:/apache/logs/hg-access.log" combined
    LogLevel debug
# vim:se ft=apache:

我还必须为 Auth Digest 等打开一些模块

我将 hgwebdir.cgi 放在公共(public)文件夹和私有(private)文件夹的根目录中,并将我的每个 hg 存储库放在适当文件夹下的 repos 子文件夹中。

Apache 身份验证负责我的授权。

然后我将 hgweb.config 文件放在相同的位置,如下所示:

repos = repos

allow_archive = bz2 gz zip
style = gitweb
baseurl = /public


mercurial 包需要在 PYTHON_PATH 上

This answer给出了更多细节。

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