java - 如何隐藏我的网址参数?

标签 java jsp url portlet

我有几个带有一些链接的 Portlet,我想要的只是隐藏 URL 参数。因此,我认为包含一些 jQuery 代码会很容易,该代码为每个表单构建一个表单并在其上绑定(bind)一个单击事件以提交该表单。


有人对隐藏 URL 参数有不同的建议吗?


<a href="#" onclick="JavaScript: handleThisLink();"> description of link </a>
<form name="mydataform" id="mydataform" action="/actionurlonyoursite" method="post">
  <input type="hidden" name="myparam" value="" />
<script type="text/javascript">
function handleThisLink()
    // access the hidden element in which you wish to pass the value of the parameter
    dojo.byId("myparam").value = "myvalue";
    // the value might be precomputed (while generating this page) or 
    // might need to be computed based on other data in the page
    // submit the form by HTTP POST method to the URL which will handle it.
    // also possible to actually send a background AJAX request and publish
    // the response to some part of the current page, thus avoiding full
    // page refresh
    // I used dojo.byId() as a shortcut to access the input element
    // this is based on dojo toolkit.


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