Java Netscape LDAP 删除一个属性

标签 java ldap attributes netscape

我有 LDAP 架构,用户在哪里。我需要删除一个名为“notify”的属性,其值是:电话号码或邮件,或者删除用户的属性。我找到了方法

LDAPConnection myCon = new LDAPConnection("localhost",389);
myCon.delete("uid=test1, ou=People,, o=isp");




您需要调用modify method on LDAPConnection class :-)

来自 javadoc:

public void modify(java.lang.String DN, LDAPModification mod) throws LDAPException Makes a single change to an existing entry in the directory (for example, changes the value of an attribute, adds a new attribute value, or removes an existing attribute value). Use the LDAPModification object to specify the change to make and the LDAPAttribute object to specify the attribute value to change. The LDAPModification object allows you add an attribute value, change an attibute value, or remove an attribute value.

For example, the following section of code changes Barbara Jensen's email address in the directory to

来自 javadocs 的示例代码:

String myEntryDN = "cn=Barbara Jensen,ou=Product Development,o=Ace Industry,c=US";
LDAPAttribute attrEmail = new LDAPAttribute( "mail", "" );
LDAPModification singleChange = new LDAPModification( LDAPModification.REPLACE, attrEmail );

myConn.modify( myEntryDN, singleChange );


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