java - 为什么我在这里收到错误?

标签 java



E:\Data Netw Proj\BankingApp\ error: cannot find symbol
ArrayList <Accounts> accounts = new ArrayList<Accounts>();
  symbol:   class Accounts
  location: class BankingServant
E:\Data Netw Proj\BankingApp\ error: cannot find symbol
ArrayList <Accounts> accounts = new ArrayList<Accounts>();
  symbol:   class Accounts
  location: class BankingServant
E:\Data Netw Proj\BankingApp\ error: cannot find symbol
        Accounts lodge = new Accounts();
  symbol:   class Accounts
  location: class BankingServant
E:\Data Netw Proj\BankingApp\ error: cannot find symbol
        Accounts lodge = new Accounts();
  symbol:   class Accounts
  location: class BankingServant
E:\Data Netw Proj\BankingApp\ error: cannot find symbol
        Accounts trans = new Accounts();
  symbol:   class Accounts
  location: class BankingServant
E:\Data Netw Proj\BankingApp\ error: cannot find symbol
        Accounts trans = new Accounts();
  symbol:   class Accounts
  location: class BankingServant
E:\Data Netw Proj\BankingApp\ error: cannot find symbol
        Accounts with = new Accounts();
  symbol:   class Accounts
  location: class BankingServant
E:\Data Netw Proj\BankingApp\ error: cannot find symbol
        Accounts with = new Accounts();
  symbol:   class Accounts
  location: class BankingServant
E:\Data Netw Proj\BankingApp\ error: cannot find symbol
        Accounts bal = new Accounts();
  symbol:   class Accounts
  location: class BankingServant
E:\Data Netw Proj\BankingApp\ error: cannot find symbol
        Accounts bal = new Accounts();
  symbol:   class Accounts
  location: class BankingServant
Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
10 errors

Tool completed with exit code 1


//package BankingApp;

//import BankingApp._BankingImplBase;
import BankingApp.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;

public class BankingServant extends _BankingImplBase {
     private String accName;
     private int lodgementAmount ;
     private int transAmount ;
     private int transAccName ;
     private int withAccName;
     private int withAmount;
     private int checkBal;

private class Account {

    String accName;
    int lodgementAmount;
    int transAmount;
    int withAmount;
    int checkBal;
    ArrayList <Account> accounts;
ArrayList <Accounts> accounts = new ArrayList<Accounts>();
    ArrayList<Account> accounts = new ArrayList();


    public boolean makeLodgement(String accName, int lodgementAmount) {

        Accounts lodge = new Accounts();
        lodge.accName = accName;
        lodge.lodgementAmount = lodgementAmount;
        lodge.accounts = this.accounts;
        System.out.println("Money Lodged");

    public boolean makeTransfer(String transAccName, int transAmount) {
        Accounts trans = new Accounts();
        trans.transAccName = transAccName;
        trans.transAmount = transAmount;
        trans.accounts = this.accounts;
        System.out.println("Money transfered");


    public boolean makeWithdrawl(String withAccName, int withAmount) {
        Accounts with = new Accounts();
        with.withAccName = withAccName;
        with.withAmount = withAmount;
        with.accounts = this.accounts;
        System.out.println("Money Withdrawn");
    public boolean checkBalance(String balAccName, int checkBal) {
        Accounts bal = new Accounts();
        bal.transAccName = balAccName;
        bal.checkBal = checkBal;
        bal.accounts = this.accounts;
        System.out.println("balance is: ");



类名是Account您将其称为 Accounts 。这就是错误。

将数组列表声明为ArrayList<Account> .

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