java - 在java中使用递归反转整数列表数组

标签 java recursion

如果有任何帮助,我们将不胜感激。我是一年级编程学生,这是一项研究递归的家庭作业。 1.我们必须递归地构建一个数组列表(在下面完成并解决最小的问题,然后是更高的问题) 2.使用线束进行测试(也在下面) 3. 然后我们必须克隆数组列表(我认为这是有效的)并编写一个方法来递归地反转数组列表并将其包含在 ListMethodRunner 测试中;这就是我被困住的地方。我在下面包含了我的代码,该代码在 'list = reverseList(list.remove(0));' 上出现错误在reverseList方法中。有什么建议我哪里出错了吗?

//列出方法 导入java.util.*;

public class ListMethods
//new method that produces an array list of integers (tempList) based on input of int n
public static ArrayList<Integer> makeList(int n)
  ArrayList<Integer> tempList = null;
  if (n <= 0)  // The smallest list we can make

      tempList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); // ceate the list tempList
      return tempList;                      //return blank list for this if statement

  else        // All other size lists are created here

      tempList = makeList(n-1); //recursively go through each variation of n from top down, when reach 0 will create the list
      tempList.add(n); // program will then come back up through the variations adding each value as it goes

  return tempList; //return the tempList population with all the variations


//create a copy of the values in the array list (tlist) and put it in (list)- used in next method
public static ArrayList<Integer> deepClone(ArrayList<Integer> tList)
   ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();
   for (Integer i : tList)
       list.add(new Integer(i));
    return list;
//method that creates arraylist
   public static ArrayList<Integer> reverseList(ArrayList<Integer> tList)
   ArrayList<Integer> list = ListMethods.deepClone(tList);
 if (list.size()<=1)    // The list is empty or has one element
      return list;// Return the list as is – no need to reverse!
   list = reverseList(list.remove(0)); //recurse through each smaller list 
                                        //removing first value until get to 1 and will create list above
  // Use the solution to a smaller version of the problem
 // to solve the general problem
 return list;

//List  Methods Runner

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class ListMethodsRunner
 public static void main(String[] args)
  ArrayList<Integer> tempList = ListMethods.makeList(100);
  if (tempList.size() == 0)
      System.out.println("The list is empty");
     for (Integer i : tempList)




list = reverseList(list.remove(0))

list = reverseList(list);

ArrayList::remove(int)返回从列表中删除的元素。 (在本例中输入 Integer)

reverseList需要 ArrayList<Integer>作为参数。因此错误。


Integer num = list.remove(0);
list = reverseList(list); 

关于java - 在java中使用递归反转整数列表数组,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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