java - 为什么我的变量在循环中没有被改变?

标签 java arrays for-loop

我有一个方法,旨在计算出 3D 数组中具有最高组合值的元素组。我有 3 个嵌套循环,用于遍历数组,并且当满足某些条件时,我想更改变量。然而,没有使用任何变量。如果 sum 超过 total,我会将 int yint m 更改为 for 循环的任何迭代。 .


    public void wettestMonth(){
        double sum = 0;
        double total = 0;
        int y = 0;
        int m = 0;

        //cycle through each year and month
        for(int i = 0; i < 34; i++){
            for(int j = 0; j < 12; j++){
                //reset the current month to 0 after each month has been cycled through
                sum = 0;
                for(int k = 0; k < 31; k++){
                    //only add the record if the current entry is not null (-99.99)
                    if(sortedData[i][j][k] != -99.99){
                        sum += sortedData[i][j][k];
                    //if the current month is wetter than the wettest one, make the current month the new wettest one
                    if(sum > total){
                        total = sum;
                        y = i;
                        m = j;

        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "The wettest month on record was " +m +y, "Wettest Month.", JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE);


编辑,我只是​​用 while 循环重建了它,并且在似乎是问题行的地方出现了越界错误, if(sortedData[i][j][k] ! =-99.99)




//initialises an array that holds 34 years, each with 12 months, each of which has 31 entries for reach day
public double[][][] sortedData = new double[34][12][31];

//initialises a new scanner named rainFile
private Scanner rainFile;

//method for opening the file
public void openFile() {

        //as the input for the scanner we use the rainfall file
        rainFile = new Scanner(new File("C:\\\\Users\\\\admin\\\\Documents\\\\NetBeansProjects\\\\110_term3\\\\WeatherDataFiles\\\\rainfall.txt"));
    catch(Exception e){
        //if no file has been found a JOptionPane will display an error message telling the user to double-check the file path
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Check the file path is correct.", "No file found!", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);

//method for reading the file
public void readFile(){

    //ignore the first 3 lines in the data file
    String dump1 = rainFile.nextLine();
    String dump2 = rainFile.nextLine();
    String dump3 = rainFile.nextLine();

        //these nested for loops will dictate the current index of sortedData
        for(int i = 0; i < 34; i++){
            for(int j = 0; j < 12; j++){

                //ignores the year and month at the start of each line
                String dump4 =;
                String dump5 =;

                //this final nested for loop dictates the final index of sortedData
                for(int k = 0; k < 31; k++){

                    //asigns the current value of scanner rainFile to String a
                    String a =;

                    //converts the String a to a double type and then assigns it to the current index of sortedData
                    double dbl = Double.parseDouble(a);
                    sortedData[i][j][k] = dbl;





最明显的可能性是,由于存在错误的等式检查,您的总和始终小于 0。


sortedData[i][j][k] != -99.99

除非该值恰好是 -99.99 四舍五入的值,否则该值为真。这可能是无意的。例如,如果您以某种方式通过 float 学构造值,则由于舍入误差,您很可能不会获得完全相同的值。此外,使用像这样奇怪的哨兵值很容易出错并且可读性较差。如果可以的话,最好使用像 NaN 这样明显的哨兵值。

要了解问题,请考虑如果您的值略有不同会发生什么情况。比如说-99.99000001。那么第一天之后,你的值(value)就已经是负数了。一个月后,总和将约为 -3099.69000031,远小于 0。由于总和始终为负数,因此它永远不会比原始总和 0 更好,因此最好的永远不会更新。


                if(sum > total){
                    total = sum;
                    y = i;
                    m = j;

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