java - 尝试将 AndEngine 添加到我的示例项目时出错

标签 java android andengine

我已经从 Nicolas 的 Github 存储库中下载了最新的 AndEngine。使所有扩展在我的工作区上编译,一切正常。

创建了一个项目来开始测试引擎,但是每当我转到示例项目属性> Android 并尝试添加 AndEngine 或其任何扩展时,都会出现一个绿色的勾号...所以我在应用更改时接受,但是当我再次打开 Android 配置并查看库导入时,每次导入都有一个红色的“X”,就像失败一样。


enter image description here





Hey, look, I can contribute! (Sorry, I'm just excited to be able to add something here)

I had this same issue and resolved it by moving the libraries (AndEngine, etc.) into my Eclipse workspace.

For instance, I originally had all my AndEngine files in C:\Users[my user name]\git\AndEngine\ and encountered the same errors you describe. After some Googling, I found that I had to move the AndEngine library from .../git/ to my eclipse workspace, which is located at F:\android-workspace

So in the end my project's files were located at: F:\android-workspace[project_name]

And the AndEngine files were located at: F:\android-workspace\AndEngine

Be sure to re-link the library to your project after moving it. Also, I apologize for my verboseness, I just wanted to be clear.

关于java - 尝试将 AndEngine 添加到我的示例项目时出错,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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