java - 我们可以根据 Map 中的键和值对 Set 进行排序吗?

标签 java collections

我有一个 Car 类,代表汽车的名称和 ID:

public class Car {
String name;
int ID;


public class Race {
private Set<Car> cars = new TreeSet<>();
private Map<Integer, Integer> races = new TreeMap<>();//key represents the order in race, value represents the ID of a car, so i need to sort cars by the keys in races
public Collection getSortedCars() { ??? }




我不会使用 SortedSet 来执行此操作,即使 though a custom Comparator could be used 。原因是因为竞争可能会被修改,从而导致 TreeSet 内的任何结构无效,从而导致行为“不可预测”。

相反,我会让 getSortedCars 首先从 Set 中获取一个序列(例如列表),然后排序并返回这样的序列。

实际的排序是“微不足道的” Collections.sort和定制Comparator因为这实际上是一个“排序依据”操作,例如:

class CompareCarsByWins implements Comparator<Car> {
    Map<Car,Integer> wins;

    public CompareCarsByWins(Map<Car,Integer> wins) {
        this.wins = wins;

    public int compareTo (Car a, Car b) {
        // Actual code should handle "not found" cars as appropriate
        int winsA = wins.get(a);
        int winsB = wins.get(b);
        if (winsA == winsB) {
            // Tie, uhm, let's .. choose by name
            return a.getName().compareTo(b.getName());
        } else {
            // Sort most wins first
            return winsB - winsA;
    // ..

// Usage:
List<Car> results = new ArrayList<Car>(cars);
Collections.sort(results, new CompareCarsByWins(races));

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