sql-server - 如何通过 SQL Server xp_cmdshell 在 Windows 命令 shell 中根据创建日期加载文件

标签 sql-server windows tsql powershell command-prompt

在 SQL Server 中,我使用下面的查询将特定目录(例如 z:) 中的所有“.jpg”文件名加载到表中。

我想知道是否有一种方法可以根据 Created Date 而不是 Modified Date 在 Windows 命令提示符下加载文件。以下查询仅在执行 xp_cmdshell 时适用于修改日期

-- Create the table to store file list
CREATE TABLE myFilesTable (myFileID INT IDENTITY, myFileName NVARCHAR(256))

-- Insert file list from directory to SQL Server
DECLARE @Command varchar(1024) = 'z: & forfiles /m *.jpg /s /d 07/16/2015 /c "cmd /c echo @fdate @ftime @path"'

INSERT INTO myFilesTable
   EXEC MASTER.dbo.xp_cmdshell @Command

-- Check the list
SELECT * FROM myFilesTable
变量 @Command 中的

07/16/2015修改日期。显然命令 forfiles 没有根据 Created Date 过滤文件的线索。


myFileID | myFileName
1        | NULL
2        | 8/18/2015 11:13:08 AM "Z:\LDB1 App Export\Top Star_Aluminium Frames & Furniture (B)-31267.jpg"
3        | 8/19/2015 5:44:41 PM "Z:\LDB2 App Export\Soe Tint_Hardware Merchants & Ironmongers-31435.jpg"
4        | 8/19/2015 10:37:13 AM "Z:\Cover App Export\Taw Win Tun_Electrical Goods Sales & Repairing (A) -31382.jpg"
5        | 8/24/2015 10:34:33 AM "Z:\CP1 App Export\Thiri May_Fabric Shop (B)-30646.jpg"
6        | 8/17/2015 10:08:39 AM "Z:\CP2 App Export\Ko Tin Aung_Building Materials (B)-31300.jpg"

我也尝试过将 dir 命令与时间字段 /t:c(创建时间)一起使用,例如

EXEC MASTER.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'dir z: *.jpg /t:c /s'


myFileID | myFileName
1        |  Volume in drive Z is Publication
2        |  Volume Serial Number is 3EF0-5CE4
3        | NULL
4        |  Directory of Z:\
5        | NULL
6        | 07/28/2015  06:41 PM    <DIR>          .
7        | 07/28/2015  07:06 PM    <DIR>          ..
8        | 03/05/2015  11:42 AM    <DIR>          LDB1 App Export
9        | 03/05/2015  05:31 PM    <DIR>          LDB2 App Export
10       |         0 File(s)              0 bytes
11       | NULL
12       |  Directory of Z:\LDB1 App Export
13       | NULL
14       | 03/05/2015  11:42 AM    <DIR>          .
15       | 07/28/2015  06:41 PM    <DIR>          ..
16       | 07/28/2015  06:49 PM         2,981,526 Kyaw Phay_Dental Equipment (A)-30998.jpg
17       | 08/31/2015  03:10 PM         3,126,629 Venus_Fashion Shops-31438.jpg
18       | 07/28/2015  06:49 PM         3,544,247 Marvellous_Tourism Services-30986.jpg
...      | ...


myFileID | CreatedDate           | myFileName
1        | 8/10/2015 11:24:16 AM | "Z:\LDB1 App Export\Top Star_Aluminium Frames & Furniture (B)-31267.jpg"
2        | 8/10/2015 11:24:27 AM | "Z:\LDB2 App Export\Soe Tint_Hardware Merchants & Ironmongers-31435.jpg"
3        | 8/12/2015 10:05:22 AM | "Z:\Cover App Export\Taw Win Tun_Electrical Goods Sales & Repairing (A) -31382.jpg"
4        | 8/12/2015 10:05:22 AM | "Z:\CP1 App Export\Thiri May_Fabric Shop (B)-30646.jpg"
5        | 8/12/2015 10:05:22 AM | "Z:\CP2 App Export\Ko Tin Aung_Building Materials (B)-31300.jpg"



这是一种解析 DIR 命令输出的方法:

--Create the table to store file list
CREATE TABLE myFilesTable (myFileID INT IDENTITY, myFileCreateDate datetime, myFileName NVARCHAR(256))

--Create temporary table to store output of DIR command
CREATE TABLE #DirectoryOutput (LineID INT IDENTITY, LineData NVARCHAR(256))

--Insert file list from directory to SQL Server
DECLARE @Command varchar(1024) = 'dir z: *.jpg /t:c /s'

INSERT INTO #DirectoryOutput
   EXEC MASTER.dbo.xp_cmdshell @Command

--Check the list
insert into myFilesTable
    convert(Datetime,(left(LineData, 20))) CreateDate,
    FilePath2.FilePath + '\' + right(LineData,len(LineData)-39) Filename
from #DirectoryOutput
cross apply
    select Max(LineID) LineID
    from #DirectoryOutput FilePaths
    where LEFT(LineData,14)=' Directory of '
        and FilePaths.LineID < #DirectoryOutput.LineID
    ) FilePath1
    select LineID, RIGHT(LineData, LEN(LineData)-14) FilePath
    from #DirectoryOutput FilePaths
    where LEFT(LineData,14)=' Directory of '
    ) FilePath2
on FilePath1.LineID = FilePath2.LineID
where ISDATE(left(LineData, 20))=1
order by 1

select * from myFilesTable


关于sql-server - 如何通过 SQL Server xp_cmdshell 在 Windows 命令 shell 中根据创建日期加载文件,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32293517/


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