
标签 java eclipse loops for-loop

我正在尝试用java编写一个与用户一起玩刽子手的程序。但是,用于检查字母是否正确的 for 循环不起作用。我很难确定原因。我使用的程序是Eclipse。这里只是 for 循环和包含它的 if 语句(l 是单词和数组列表 theGuessed 的长度,g 是猜测的字母):

if (theWord.contains(g))

            for (int k = 0; k > l; k++)

                if (g == theWord.get(k))
                    theGuessed.add(k, g);
                    b = "true";


import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.ArrayList;

public class HangMan 
    private static String guesses;
    private static String b; 
    private static String e; 
    private static String m;
    private static String n;
    private static String o;
    private static String p;
    private static String q;
    private static String r;

    public static void main(String[] args) 
        Scanner input = new Scanner(;
        ArrayList<String> theWord = new ArrayList<String>();
        ArrayList<String> theGuessed = new ArrayList<String>();

        guesses = "";
        b = "";
        e = "";
        m = "";
        n = "";
        o = "";
        p = "";
        q = "";
        r = "";

        System.out.println("Player 1, how many letters are in your word?");
        int l = input.nextInt();
        System.out.println("What is the word that Player 2 should try to guess? Type one letter at a time.");
        String d = input.nextLine();
        theWord.add(0, d);
        for (int i = 0; i< l; i++)
        d = input.nextLine();
        theWord.add(i, d);
        for (int j = 0; j< l; j++)
            theGuessed.add(j, "_");

        int y = 0;

        while(y == 0)
        System.out.println("Player 2! What is your guess?");
        String g = input.nextLine();

        if (theWord.contains(g))

            for (int k = 0; k != l; k++)

                if (g == theWord.get(k))
                    theGuessed.add(k, g);
                    b = "true";

            if(theGuessed == theWord)
                System.out.println("That's the word! You win!");

        else if (m == "wrong" && n == "wrong" && o == "wrong" && p == "wrong" && q == "wrong" && r == "wrong")
            System.out.println("  |");
            System.out.println("  O");
            System.out.println("/ | \\");
            System.out.println(" / \\");
            System.out.println("You lose! The word was " + theWord);
        else if (m == "wrong" && n == "wrong" && o == "wrong" && p == "wrong" && q == "wrong")
            System.out.println("  |");
            System.out.println("  O");
            System.out.println("/ | \\");
            System.out.println(" /");
            r = "wrong";
        else if (m == "wrong" && n == "wrong" && o == "wrong" && p == "wrong")
            System.out.println("That letter is not in the word!");
            System.out.println("  |");
            System.out.println("  O");
            System.out.println("/ | \\");
            q = "wrong";
        else if (m == "wrong" && n == "wrong" && o == "wrong")
            System.out.println("That letter is not in the word!");
            System.out.println("  |");
            System.out.println("  O");
            System.out.println("/ |");
            p = "wrong";
        else if (m == "wrong" && n == "wrong")
            System.out.println("That letter is not in the word!");
            System.out.println("  |");
            System.out.println("  O");
            o = "wrong";
        else if (m == "wrong")
            System.out.println("That letter is not in the word!");
            System.out.println("  |");
            System.out.println("  O");
            n = "wrong";
        else if (b != "true")
            System.out.println("That letter is not in the word!");
            System.out.println("    |");
            m = "wrong";

        guesses = guesses + g + ", ";
        System.out.println("Your guesses so far: " + guesses);



我浏览了这个网站上的几个“for 循环未输入”类型的问题,但我看到的所有问题都以 i == x 作为终止要求。正如您所看到的,这里的情况并非如此。



尽管您的循环可能不使用 ==,但您的 if 条件确实使用 == 来比较字符串,这是一个很大的禁忌。将字符串与 == 比较引用是否相等(它们是内存中完全相同的字符串吗?)。使用 String#equals 将产生正确的值(它们是否具有相同的字母序列?)比较:

if (g.equals(theWord.get(k)))

关于java不会进入for循环(不包括==),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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