java - 覆盖父类的List类型以避免调用方法时进行强制转换

标签 java generics inheritance

我有一个输入文件(text => TextFileImporter 或 xml => XmlFileImporter ),其中包含具有不同结构的数据。 Definiton中描述了一种结构。类(class),所以我的FileImporter对象保存 Definition 的多个实例.

一个TextFileImporter应该持有 List<TextDefinition>和一个 XmlFileImporter应该持有 List<XmlDefinition> .


// Parent classes
abstract class Definition {}

abstract class FileImporter {
  protected List<Definition> definitions;

  public FileImporter(List<Definition> definitions) {
    this.definitions = definitions;

  public void doSomething() {
    // use 'definitions'

// Text files
class TextDefinition extends Definition {
  public void copyLine() {}

class TextFileImporter extends FileImporter {
  // here should be clear that 'definitions' is of type List<TextDefinition>
  // to call 'copyLine()' on its items

// XML files
class XmlDefinition extends Definition {
  public void copyNode() {}

class XmlFileImporter extends FileImporter {
  // here should be clear that 'definitions' is of type List<XmlDefinition>
  // to call 'copyNode()' on its items

正如您根据评论所看到的,我不确定如何更好地处理这个问题。当然,我首先需要构造函数。然后,我不想转换 definitions 的每一项每次调用方法时都指向合适的子类。




// Parent classes
abstract class Definition {}

abstract class FileImporter<T extends Definition> {
  protected List<T> definitions;

  public FileImporter(List<T> definitions) {
    this.definitions = definitions;

  public void doSomething() {
    // use 'definitions'

// Text files
class TextDefinition extends Definition {
  public void copyLine() {}

class TextFileImporter extends FileImporter<TextDefinition> {
  // here should be clear that 'definitions' is of type List<TextDefinition>
  // to call 'copyLine()' on its items

// XML files
class XmlDefinition extends Definition {
  public void copyNode() {}

class XmlFileImporter extends FileImporter<XmlDefinition> {
  // here should be clear that 'definitions' is of type List<XmlDefinition>
  // to call 'copyNode()' on its items

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