Java 8 - 如何将 Pojo 转换为其嵌入的 Pojo 属性列表

标签 java java-8

我有一个数据库调用,如果没有任何条件匹配,则可能返回 null。如果有记录匹配,则结果是一个包含嵌入对象列表的 Pojo。我想将该 Pojo 转换为其嵌入对象 id 的列表。

Foo.class 有 Bars 列表

public class Foo {
    private List<Bar> bars;
    //..setters & getters

Bar.class,我想将 Foo 转换为 Bar 的 Id 列表

public class Bar {
    Integer id
    //..setters & getters


Optional.ofNullable("some foo"))
    .map(foo -> foo.getBars()); //How can turn this into list of Bar's Id 



A database query can return an object containing a list of references to another object, or null if no references are returned. How do I convert that object (or null) into a list of values from the referenced objects. I want an empty list if the query returned a null.


Optional<Foo> possibleFoo = Optional.ofNullable(dbQuery());
List<Integer> ids = possibleFoo
    .map(f ->
        .map(b ->

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