java - 确定函数的极值

标签 java calculus

我遇到了最小值未正确设置的问题。最大值设置完美,但我知道最小值应该小于 0。运行此代码片段,似乎最小值从未被设置。有什么想法吗?

编辑:曲线点应该从-1到3。这是一个图像: The curve

public class FindingExtrema {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        double lowestPoint = 0;
        double highestPoint = 0;
        double y;

        double x = -1;
        int timesCalculated = 0;

        while (x <= 3) {
            y = run(x);

            if (y < lowestPoint) {
                lowestPoint = y;
                System.out.printf("y: %1$.5f", y);

            if (y > highestPoint) {
                highestPoint = y;

            x += .00001;

        System.out.printf("Lowest: %1$.5f, Highest: %2$.5f; Calculated %3$d times\n", lowestPoint, highestPoint, timesCalculated);

    private static double run(double x) {
        return Math.cbrt(2 * x) - Math.sqrt(8 * x) + x + 16;


but I know that the minima should be less than 0.

如果你把它画出来的话,事实并非如此。我将您的函数插入 Google,范围为 0 到 3,最小值约为 15.431。

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