java - 尝试使 while 循环正常工作

标签 java eclipse math while-loop

我正在制作一个程序,计算给定起始年(2011 年)的一年的人口数量,并每年增加 1.2% 的人口。 2011 年的人口为 7.000(我使用的是小数,而不是十亿)。这是我的代码的工作部分

package src;

import java.util.Scanner;

import java.text.DecimalFormat;

public class Demographics {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Scanner user_input= new Scanner(;

        //Part 1

        System.out.println("===--- Part 1 ---===");
        System.out.println("Population in 2011: 7.000");
        System.out.print("What is the desired year? ( > 2011) ");
        int startYear = 2011;
        int endYear = user_input.nextInt();
        while (endYear <= startYear){
            System.out.println("Invalid end year.");
            System.out.print("What is the desired year? ( > 2011) ");
            endYear = user_input.nextInt();
        double t = 0.012; 
        double nbr = (endYear - startYear); 
        double pStart = 7.000; 
        double pEnd = pStart * Math.exp(nbr * t);
        DecimalFormat nf = new DecimalFormat("#.000");
        System.out.println("Population in " + endYear + ":(nf.format(pEnd)));

    //Part 2

    System.out.println("===--- Part 2 ---===");
    System.out.print("What is the target population? ( > 7.000) ");
    double pTarget = user_input.nextDouble();
    while (pTarget <= pStart){
        System.out.println("Invalid target population.");
        System.out.print("What is the target population? ( > 7.000) ");
        pTarget = user_input.nextDouble();
    while (pStart < pTarget){
        pStart = pStart + (pStart * 0.012);
        System.out.println("Population in " + startYear + ": " + nf.format((pStart)));

我的代码的第 1 部分在用户输入时计算一年的人口数量,然后第 2 部分显示当用户输入人口时需要多少年才能达到该点。


//Part 3

    System.out.println("===--- Part 3 ---===");
    t = 1.2;
    pStart = 7.000;
    pEnd = pStart * Math.exp(nbr * t);
    while (pStart < pTarget){
        pEnd = pStart + (pStart * 0.012);
        if (pEnd >= pStart * 2 ){
        System.out.println("Population in " + startYear + ": " + nf.format((pEnd)) + " Population growth rate " + ": " + (t / 2));
            System.out.println("Population in " + startYear + ": " + nf.format((pEnd)) + " Population growth rate " + ": " + t);

目前,当我的代码中有第 3 部分时,它会执行无限循环而不增加人口数量。我在第 3 部分中尝试做的事情与第 2 部分中的几乎相同,但在第 3 部分中它将显示人口增长率 (t),并在每次人口翻倍时将其除以 2。例如:










while (pStart < pTarget){


A)pStart 的值应该增加

B)pTarget 的值应该递减


在您的代码中,您增加了:startYear和pEnd,但这不是根据您的条件关闭循环的条件。 (我之前写过:A、B、C)

1) startYear 也不会在循环之前重新初始化它,并且已经以较高的值开始。你必须添加bedore循环:

startYear = 2011;


我对第三部分的建议是: (考虑到我不清楚我想阅读你的代码做什么,你必须更改它并使其对你有利)

System.out.println("===--- Part 3 ---===");
        t = 1.2;
        startYear = 2011; // I add it
        double pEveryYear = 7000;
        while (pEveryYear < pTarget){
            pEveryYear = pEveryYear + (pEveryYear * 0.012);
            if (pEveryYear >= pTarget  ){  // this condition cange only the print in the console
                System.out.println("Population in " + startYear + ": " + nf.format((pEveryYear)) + " Population growth rate " + ": " + (t / 2));
                break; // if you write it before the system.out you can't read it in the console.
                System.out.println("Population in " + startYear + ": " + nf.format((pEveryYear)) + " Population growth rate " + ": " + t);



===--- Part 3 ---===
Population in 2012: 7084.000 Population growth rate : 1.2
Population in 2013: 7169.008 Population growth rate : 1.2
Population in 2014: 7255.036 Population growth rate : 1.2
Population in 2015: 7342.097 Population growth rate : 1.2
Population in 2016: 7430.202 Population growth rate : 1.2
Population in 2017: 7519.364 Population growth rate : 1.2
Population in 2018: 7609.596 Population growth rate : 1.2
Population in 2019: 7700.912 Population growth rate : 1.2
Population in 2020: 7793.323 Population growth rate : 1.2
Population in 2021: 7886.842 Population growth rate : 1.2
Population in 2022: 7981.485 Population growth rate : 1.2
Population in 2023: 8077.262 Population growth rate : 0.6

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