java - XML 数据已排序

标签 java

我正在使用 Java 构建 XML 代码。请参阅我的代码片段。

    Document document = null;
    String xml = "";
    ReportsDAO objReportsDAO = null;
    {"Getting XML data for Consumable Report Starts...");
        objReportsDAO = new ReportsDAO();

        List consumableDTOLst = objReportsDAO.getConsumableData(issuedBy, issuedTo, employeeType, itemCode, itemName, className, transactionFromDate, transactionToDate, machineCode, workOrderNumber, jobName, customerId);
        DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();

        DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
        document = builder.newDocument();
        Element rootElmnt = (Element) document.createElement("items");  

        Element elmt = null;
        ConsumableDTO objConsumableDTO = null;
        SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy");

        for (int i = 0; i < consumableDTOLst.size(); i++) 
            objConsumableDTO = (ConsumableDTO)consumableDTOLst.get(i);
            elmt =  (Element) document.createElement("item");
            elmt.setAttribute("IssuedBy", objConsumableDTO.getIssuedBy());
            elmt.setAttribute("IssuedTo", objConsumableDTO.getIssuedTo());
            elmt.setAttribute("EMPLOYECADRE", objConsumableDTO.getEmployeeType());
            elmt.setAttribute("ITEMCODE", objConsumableDTO.getItemCode());
            elmt.setAttribute("ITEMNAME", objConsumableDTO.getItemName());
            elmt.setAttribute("ITEMCLASS", objConsumableDTO.getClassName());
            elmt.setAttribute("DATE", sdf.format(objConsumableDTO.getTransactionDate()));
            elmt.setAttribute("machineCode", objConsumableDTO.getMachineCode());
            elmt.setAttribute("JOB", objConsumableDTO.getJobName());
            elmt.setAttribute("WORKORDERNUMBER", objConsumableDTO.getWorkOrderNumber());
            elmt.setAttribute("CustomerName", objConsumableDTO.getCustomerName());
            elmt.setAttribute("RoleName", objConsumableDTO.getGroupName());
            elmt.setAttribute("VendorName", objConsumableDTO.getVendorName());
            elmt.setAttribute("QTY", String.valueOf(Math.abs(objConsumableDTO.getQuantity())));
            elmt.setAttribute("unitDescription", objConsumableDTO.getUnitDescription());
            elmt.setAttribute("RATEPERQTY", String.valueOf(objConsumableDTO.getRate()));
            elmt.setAttribute("AMOUNT", String.valueOf(objConsumableDTO.getAmount()));



<empdetails age="25" name="john"/>


<empdetails name="john" age="25"/>




重复:Order of XML attributes after DOM processing

来自the accepted answer :

Look at section 3.1 of the XML recommendation. It says, "Note that the order of attribute specifications in a start-tag or empty-element tag is not significant."

If a piece of software requires attributes on an XML element to appear in a specific order, that software is not processing XML, it's processing text that looks superficially like XML. It needs to be fixed.

If it can't be fixed, and you have to produce files that conform to its requirements, you can't reliably use standard XML tools to produce those files.

归功于Robert Rossney

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