java - 使用 JAXRS 将 XML 编码为 Restful 服务的 JAVA 对象

标签 java xml rest jax-rs unmarshalling

我正在尝试根据用户上传的 XML 文件实现 boolean 返回(真/假)。例如,我有一个元素方向,指示它包含的数据类型。所以我有兴趣对数据进行整理并返回 boolean 值。

第 1 步:对 POST 方法感兴趣,并将使用 POSTMAN 进行测试Chrome 应用程序。

第 2 步:内容对象保存所有内容以进行编码和编码

包 validator .service;

import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement;

// Created the Contents object to hold everything for un marshaling and marshaling

@XmlRootElement( name = "contents" )
public class Contents
    String portalarea;

    String portalsubarea;

    String direction;

    public String getportalarea()
        return portalarea;

    public String getportalsubarea()
        return portalsubarea;

    public String getdirection()
        return direction;


第 3 步:使用验证类来接收请求并解码 XML 以返回 boolean 值。

package validatorService;


import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext;
import javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement;
import javax.xml.bind.Unmarshaller;

import org.apache.http.HttpEntity;
import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;
import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient;

@Path ("/valid")
public class ValidatorService
    boolean n_value = false;
    boolean r_value = false;

    @Produces( MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN )
    @Consumes( "application/xml" )
    public String validate( String xmlContent )
        HttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient();

            if ( xmlContent != null )
                if ( xmlContent.startsWith( "https" ) )
                    HttpGet xmlGet = new HttpGet( xmlContent );

                    HttpResponse response = httpclient.execute( xmlGet );
                    int responseStatus = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
                    // String responseMessage = response.getStatusLine().getReasonPhrase();

                    if ( responseStatus == 200 )
                        HttpEntity responseEntity = response.getEntity();
                        InputStream inStream = responseEntity.getContent();

                        Contents direction = unmarshalingContent( inStream, xmlContent );

                        if ( direction.equals( "N" ) )
                            n_value = true;

                        else if ( direction.equals( "R" ) )
                            r_value = true;

                        System.out.println( "Response Error : " + responseStatus ); // Should be
                                                                                    // handled
                                                                                    // properly

                    System.out.println( " 'https' Format Error" ); // Should be handled properly

                return "success";

        catch ( Exception e )
            System.out.println( " Error caught at catch " + e ); // Should be handled properly for
                                                                 // all exception

        return null;

    public Contents unmarshalingContent( InputStream inputStream, String resourceClass ) throws Exception
        System.out.println( " welcome " );

        if ( resourceClass == "xmlContent" )
            JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance( "" );
            Unmarshaller u = jc.createUnmarshaller();

            XMLInputFactory inputFactory = XMLInputFactory.newInstance();
            XMLStreamReader xReader = inputFactory.createXMLStreamReader( inputStream );

            JAXBElement<Contents> jaxBElement = (JAXBElement<Contents>) u.unmarshal( xReader, Contents.class );

            Contents portalArea = (Contents) jaxBElement.getValue();
            Contents portalSubarea = (Contents) jaxBElement.getValue();
            Contents direction = (Contents) jaxBElement.getValue();

            return direction;
        throw new Exception( "Invalid resource request" );


我是 RESTful 服务的新手,我阅读了一些文档,并根据说明尝试完成给定的任务。因此,非常感谢任何帮助、更正、指导、代码。


它可以简单得多。您不需要手动进行 XML 到 Java 对象的转换。 JAX-RS 提供商会自动执行此操作。

@Produces( MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN )
@Consumes( "application/xml" )
public Response validate(Contents con){ //con will be initialized by JAX-RS
  //validate your XML converted to object con
  boolean validation_ok = ...
     return Response.ok("true").build();
     return Response.ok("false").build();

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