java - 基于URL参数缓存JSP

标签 java performance jsp caching



请求页面 pageshow.jsp?id=100 从缓存获取而不是从服务器构建
请求页面 pageshow.jsp?id=200 从缓存获取而不是从服务器构建




我会考虑使用类似于 AlexR 所提议的 CachingHttpFilter,但考虑使用 HTTP header 来控制缓存,而不是将数据存储在自己的卷中 -内容缓存。

This article很好地解释了如何在后续请求 URL 时比较 If-Modified-Since HTTP header 。然后由您的过滤器发回 HTTP 304 响应。

Comparison of dates:

The client asks the server to a specific page: if the client has already read the page, it sends a request (to server) containing the last modification date of its cached page (eg “If-Modified-Since: 21/07/2002 13:47:24 GMT”);There also the header If-Unmodified-Since;

The server compares this date given by the client with the last modified date of requested page:

if the page on the server has the same date, then the server informs the client that it can use the version’s page in its cache (“HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified”). The exchange between client and server stops there;

if the page on the server is newer, then the server informs the client of the change (“Last-modified: 21/06/2012 08:45:37 p.m. GMT”) and sent this page to client. The browser stores the date of last change of the page.

您还需要查看 ETag HTTP Header .


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