windows - 如何在 64 位 Windows 7 上将 Clear Case 与 Windows 资源管理器集成

标签 windows plugins windows-7 clearcase

我想在 Windows 7 中使用 Clearcase,这样我就可以从 Windows 资源管理器 checkin / checkout 文件。




根据这个compatibility matrix , ClearCase7.1+ 在 windows 7 上支持。

安装后,您将能够访问添加到 Windows 资源管理器上下文菜单中的 ClearCase 条目。

contextual menu with ClearCase

但是,64 位版本并不总是显示上述上下文菜单:
technote swg21251833对于 Windows 7 解决方法:

For Windows 7 and Windows 2008 R2, custom menus can be created as described below.

The advantage of these menus is that they are fast, the disadvantage is that they are static (non-contextual):


This solution contains information about modifying the system registry.
Before making any modifications to the Microsoft Registry Editor, it is strongly recommended that you make a backup of the existing registry.
For more information describing how to back up the registry, refer to Microsoft Knowledge Base article 256986

Create a suitable custom menu using the Windows registry such as those listed below.

Note: You may copy the entries below and save in a *.reg file.

Sample registry entries (using Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00):



@="Add to Source Control"


@="C:\\Program Files\\IBM\\RationalSDLC\\ClearCase\\bin\\cleardlg.exe /addtosrc \"%1\""


@="C:\\Program Files\\IBM\\RationalSDLC\\ClearCase\\bin\\cleardlg.exe /checkout \"%1\""


@="C:\\Program Files\\IBM\\RationalSDLC\\ClearCase\\bin\\cleardlg.exe /checkin \"%1\""


@="C:\\Program Files\\IBM\\RationalSDLC\\ClearCase\\bin\\cleardlg.exe /uncheckout \"%1\""

@="Version Tree"

@="C:\\Program Files\\IBM\\RationalSDLC\\ClearCase\\bin\\clearvtree.exe \"%1\""

@="Properties of Element"

@="C:\\Program Files\\IBM\\RationalSDLC\\ClearCase\\bin\\cleardescribe.exe \"%1@@\""

Merge the *.reg file (created from step #1) in the Windows registry as shown below:

reg file registration

The ClearCase context menu should now be available:

static menu

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