java - Hibernate get() 总是返回 NULL

标签 java hibernate

我在使用 hibernate load() 和 get() 时面临两个问题

  1. get() 始终返回 NULL,即使该对象存在于数据库中。

    Student s1=new Student();
    System.out.println("Student is calling with get()");        
    session.get(Student.class,new Integer(107));    
    System.out.println("Student called with get()");
    System.out.println("Printing Student Name___"+s1.getMarks());       
    Student s2=new Student();
    System.out.println("Student is calling with load()");       
    session.load(s2,new Integer(107));  
    System.out.println("Student called with load()");
    System.out.println("Printing Student Name___"+s2.getStdName());     


Student is calling with load()
Hibernate: select student0_.stdtId as stdtId1_0_, student0_.stdName as stdName1_0_,     student0_.marks as marks1_0_ from Student student0_ where student0_.stdtId=?
Student called with load()
Printing Student Name___0.0


Student is calling with get()
Student called with get()
Printing Student Name___null

但是如果我单独使用 load() 调用同一个对象,它工作正常并给出输出。

  • 正如上面所说,只有当我们调用 load() 的属性时,load() 才会访问数据库,但这里它在调用 load() 方法后立即访问数据库,请检查源代码..

    Student s2=new Student();
    System.out.println("Student is calling with get()");        
    session.load(s2,new Integer(107));  
    System.out.println("Student called with get()");
    System.out.println("Printing Student Name___"+s2.getStdName()); 
  • 输出:

    Student is calling with get()
    Hibernate: select student0_.stdtId as stdtId1_0_, student0_.stdName as stdName1_0_, student0_.marks as marks1_0_ from Student student0_ where student0_.stdtId=?
    Student called with get()
    Printing Student Name___Jaswanth



    Hibernate Session.get(..) 返回给定类的持久实体。引用 API Hibernate Session

    因此,您需要将返回的持久性实例引用到 Student 类变量,以便获取数据。因此您的代码需要进行以下修改:-

    Student s1= null;
    System.out.println("Student is calling with get()");        
    s1 = (Student)session.get(Student.class,new Integer(107));    
    System.out.println("Student called with get()");
    System.out.println("Printing Student Name___"+s1.getMarks()); 

    关于你的第二个疑问,你正在将一个非持久的新对象 s2 传递给你的加载方法,并且由于你的持久上下文中没有对象,所以它正在查询数据库以使你的 s2 更新为持久状态。


    Student s2 = session.load(Student.class, new Integer(107));

    关于java - Hibernate get() 总是返回 NULL,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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