java - 分割字符串 Java 空间

标签 java string split whitespace



Scanner SC = new Scanner(;
String comando = SC.nextLine();
String[] comando2 = comando.split("\\s+");
String first = comando2[0];
String second = comando2[1];

当我尝试这个时,如果我写“enter 3”,它会起作用,因为“first = Enter”和“second = 3”,但如果我写“exit”,它会抛出一个错误,因为第二个没有值。 我想分割字符串,所以当我尝试执行以下操作时:

if ( comando.equalsIgnoreCase("exit"))
    // something here
else if ( first.equalsIgnoreCase("enter"))
    // and use String "second"




if(comando2.length < 1) {
    // the user typed only spaces
} else {
    String first = comando2[0];
    if(first.equalsIgnoreCase("exit")) { // or comando.equalsIgnoreCase("exit"), depending on whether the user is allowed to type things after "exit"
        // something here

    } else if(first.equalsIgnoreCase("enter")) {
        if(comando2.length < 2) {
            // they typed "enter" by itself; what do you want to do?
            // (probably print an error message)
        } else {
            String second = comando2[1];
            // do something here

请注意,在尝试访问 comando2 的元素之前,此代码始终会检查 comando2.length。你也应该这样做。

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