java - 无法解析方法 equals(java.lang.Long)

标签 java equals

下面的代码给出了错误(使用 IDEA),而我认为它不应该出现错误。

Long[] a = {0L, 0L};
Long[] b = {1L, 1L};
if((a[0] + a[1]).equals(b[1]))

cannot resolve method equals(java.lang.Long) 。但它与 if(a[0].equals(b[0])) 配合得很好。我认为加号运算符会返回一个 Long 对象。

为什么它看起来没有返回 Long对象,以及我们如何使用 Long c = a[0] + a[1]如果它不返回 Long 对象?或者为什么我们不能使用 equals就这样?


Why does it seem like it doesn't return a Long object?

15.18.2. Additive Operators (+ and -) for Numeric Types 告诉我们:

Binary numeric promotion is performed on the operands.

The type of an additive expression on numeric operands is the promoted type of its operands.

5.6.2. Binary Numeric Promotion 告诉我们:

If any operand is of a reference type, it is subjected to unboxing conversion.

这意味着 Long + Long 的结果是 long,并且我们无法调用基本类型上的方法。

And how are we able to use Long c = a[0] + a[1] if it doesn't return a Long object?

对于 Long c = a[0] + a[1]long 由赋值框起来。

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