java - S3 : Generating Pre-Signed URL for a given Key. [ key 可能/不存在]

标签 java amazon-web-services amazon-s3 cloud

当 S3 存储桶中不存在 key 时获取消息。 iam 检索该存储桶中的所有对象并将这些键与给定的搜索键进行匹配。如果可用,则返回 URL 字符串,否则返回消息“指定的键不存在”。

他们是否有其他方法可以在访问 key 时提高性能,而这在 S3 存储桶中不可用。


public class S3Objects {
    static Properties props = new Properties();
    static InputStream resourceAsStream;
    static {
        ClassLoader classLoader = new S3Objects().getClass().getClassLoader();
        resourceAsStream = classLoader.getResourceAsStream("");
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, AmazonServiceException, AmazonClientException, InterruptedException {
        AWSCredentials awsCreds = new 
                        BasicAWSCredentials(props.getProperty("accessKey"), props.getProperty("secretKey"));
                        // PropertiesCredentials(resourceAsStream);
        AmazonS3 s3Client = new AmazonS3Client( awsCreds );

        String s3_BucketName = props.getProperty("bucketname");
        String folderPath_fileName = props.getProperty("path");

        //uploadObject(s3Client, s3_BucketName, folderPath_fileName);
        //downloadObject(s3Client, s3_BucketName, folderPath_fileName);
        //getSignedURLforS3File(s3Client, s3_BucketName, folderPath_fileName);
        String url = getSingnedURLKey(s3Client, s3_BucketName, folderPath_fileName);
        System.out.println("Received response:"+url);
    //  <MaxKeys>1000</MaxKeys>
    private static String getSingnedURLKey(AmazonS3 s3Client, String s3_BucketName, String folderPath_fileName) {
        String folderPath = folderPath_fileName.substring(0,folderPath_fileName.lastIndexOf("/"));      
        ObjectListing folderPath_Objects = s3Client.listObjects(s3_BucketName, folderPath);

        List<S3ObjectSummary> listObjects = folderPath_Objects.getObjectSummaries();
        for(S3ObjectSummary object : listObjects){
                return getSignedURLforS3File(s3Client, s3_BucketName, folderPath_fileName);
        return "The specified key does not exist.";

    //  providing pre-signed URL to access an object w/o any AWS security credentials.
   //   Pre-Signed URL =
    public static String getSignedURLforS3File(AmazonS3 s3Client, String s3_BucketName, String folderPath_fileName){
        GeneratePresignedUrlRequest request = new GeneratePresignedUrlRequest(s3_BucketName, folderPath_fileName, HttpMethod.GET);
        request.setExpiration( new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + 1000 * 60 * 15) ); // Default 15 min

        String url = s3Client.generatePresignedUrl( request ).toString();
        System.out.println("Pre-Signed URL = " + url);
        return url;

    public static void uploadObject(AmazonS3 s3Client, String s3_BucketName, String folderPath_fileName) 
            throws AmazonServiceException, AmazonClientException, InterruptedException{
        TransferManager tm = new TransferManager(s3Client);

        PutObjectRequest putObjectRequest = 
                new PutObjectRequest(s3_BucketName, folderPath_fileName, new File("newImg.jpg"));
        Upload myUpload = tm.upload( putObjectRequest );
        myUpload.waitForCompletion();//block the current thread and wait for your transfer to complete.
        tm.shutdownNow();            //to release the resources once the transfer is complete.
   //   When accessing a key which is not available in S3, it throws an exception The specified key does not exist.
    public static void downloadObject(AmazonS3 s3Client, String s3_BucketName, String folderPath_fileName) throws IOException{
        GetObjectRequest request = new GetObjectRequest(s3_BucketName,folderPath_fileName);
            S3Object s3object = s3Client.getObject( request );
            System.out.println("Content-Type: " + s3object.getObjectMetadata().getContentType());
            S3ObjectInputStream objectContent = s3object.getObjectContent();

            FileUtils.copyInputStreamToFile(objectContent, new File("targetFile.jpg"));
        }catch(AmazonS3Exception s3){
            System.out.println("Received error response:"+s3.getMessage());


accessKey   =XXXXXXXXX
secretKey   =XXXXXXXXX

bucketname  =examplebucket
path        =/photos/2006/February/sample.jpg


当我请求 key 来生成预签名 URL 时。如果

  • 提供 key « 返回签名的 URL。
  • key 不存在 « 消息 key 不可用。


使用getObjectMetadata根据给定的键快速确定对象是否存在。如果成功,则该对象存在。如果没有,请检查错误以确认它不是需要重试的暂时性错误。如果没有,则没有这样的 key 。

像您所做的那样迭代对象不仅不能扩展,而且成本也高得多,因为列表请求的每个请求的价格比获取对象或获取其元数据要高,这应该非常快。此操作向 S3 发送一个 HTTP HEAD 请求,仅当对象存在时才会返回 200 OK

但是,从设计角度来看,我认为该服务不应该真正关心该对象是否存在。为什么您会收到对不存在的对象的请求?谁在要求这个?这应该是调用者的问题——如果你为一个不存在的对象生成一个签名的 URL,那么当调用者尝试使用该 URL 时,请求将失败并出现错误……但是为一个不存在的对象生成一个签名的 URL不存在的对象是完全有效的操作。可以在实际上传对象之前对 URL 进行签名,并且只要 URL 未过期,一旦创建对象(如果稍后创建),它仍然有效。

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