java - 打印数组和 toString 时的输出问题

标签 java arrays loops dialog

enter image description here 我有三个问题。

1) 我有一系列电子书想要打印。该数组有 25 个元素长,我在其中放置了 6 本书。当我打印时,它会打印每本电子书 25 次,而不是只打印一次。


3) 如何实现 JOptionPane 或其他一些类,以将所有输出打印到一个对话框上?

import javax.swing.JOptionPane; // dialog box

public class Ebook
    private String author = "";
    private String title = "";
    private double price = 0.0;
    private String isbn = "";

        public Ebook(String author, String title, double price, String isbn) // ebook constructor 
   = author;
            this.title = title;

            if (price > 0) // validate non-negative price
                this.price = price;

                this.price = 0.0; 
                    System.out.println("Invalid price");

            if (isbn.length() == 10 || isbn.length() ==  13) // isbn length must be exactly 10 or 13
                this.isbn = isbn;

                this.isbn = "None";

        public void setPrice(double price)
            if (price < 0) // vallidate
                System.out.println("Invalid price");

                this.price = price;

        public double getPrice()
            return price;

        public void setAuthor(String theAuthor)
   = theAuthor;

        public String getAuthor()
            return author;

        public void setIsbn(String isbn)
            if (isbn.length() == 10 || isbn.length() ==  13) // validate
                this.isbn = isbn;
                isbn = "None";

        public String getIsbn()
            return isbn;

        public void setTitle(String title)
            this.title = title;

        public String getTitle()
            return title;

        public String toString()
            return String.format("Author: %s%nTitle: %s%nPrice: $%.1f%nISBN: %s%n",
} // This was made by ------

import javax.swing.JOptionPane; // dialog box

public class EbookLibrary
    private int count = 0;
    private double total_cost = 0.0;

    Ebook[] ebooks = new Ebook[25]; // array of ebook objects

    public EbookLibrary() // no argument constructor for ebooklibrary object in library test

    public int getCount() // total number of ebooks
        return count;
    public double getCost() // sum of all ebooks
        return total_cost;
    public String toString() // formatted string with the number and cost of all ebooks
        return String.format("Ebook count: %d%nTotal Cost: $%.1f", count, total_cost);
    public void addEbook(String author, String title, double price, String isbn) // adds ebooks to the array
        Ebook anEbook = new Ebook(author,title,price,isbn); // not sure if this is a "constructor", but I think it is

        for (int counter = 0; counter < ebooks.length; counter++) // for the length of the array, add ebook
            ebooks[counter] = anEbook; // for each counter, add the ebook 
                total_cost += price;
                    count++; // used to find the total number of ebooks
                        System.out.printf("%s%n", ebooks[counter]);



} // This was made by -----

import javax.swing.JOptionPane; // dialog box

public class EbookLibraryTest
    public static void main(String[] args)

        EbookLibrary aLibrary = new EbookLibrary(); // EbookLibrary object for calling addEbook

        //ebook objects, more can be added to test set, get methods
        aLibrary.addEbook("Blah", "What", 88.8, "1234567891");
        aLibrary.addEbook("Thing Do", "What What", 45.0, "1234567891111");
        aLibrary.addEbook("Stephen King","The Thing",1.1, "1234567891");
        aLibrary.addEbook("Robert","A Title", -1.0, "1234567891"); // test invalid price, should return 0.0 and "invalid price"
        aLibrary.addEbook("Tom","Bad Title", 33.1, "1234567891111");
        aLibrary.addEbook("Bob", "FML and Other Acronyms", 25.0, "1"); // test ISBN value, should return "None"

        System.out.printf("%d%f%s%n", aLibrary.getCount(), // call methods, print with toString
            aLibrary.getCost(), aLibrary.toString());

        System.out.println("Programmed by -----");



我相信问题出在 EbookLibrary 类中的 addEbook 方法。每次添加新的 Ebook 时,都会用它填充整个 ebooks 数组。在每次迭代中,您还会增加 total_costcount。我假设您只想将其添加到数组中一次,并在执行此操作之前验证数组未满。试试这个。

public void addEbook(String author, String title, double price, String isbn) // adds ebooks to the array
    if(count==ebooks.length-1) {
    Ebook anEbook = new Ebook(author,title,price,isbn);

    ebooks[count] = anEbook;
    total_cost += price;
    System.out.printf("%s%n", anEbook);
    count++; // used to find the total number of ebooks

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