java - 使用 PrintWriter 和 if 语句追加与覆盖

标签 java


String fileName = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter file name: ");

String appendStr;
char appendChar;
PrintWriter outputFile = new PrintWriter(fileName);
FileWriter fileWrite = new FileWriter(fileName, true);

do {
    appendStr = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Would you like to append to the end of this file? (Y/N) " +
                                            "[File will be over written if you choose not to append.]");
    appendChar = appendStr.charAt(0);
} while (appendChar != 'Y' && appendChar != 'N');

if (appendChar == 'N') {
    // Create PritnWriter object and pass file name names.txt
    outputFile = new PrintWriter(fileName);
else if (appendChar == 'Y') {
    outputFile = new PrintWriter(fileWrite);

// Prompt for number of names to be input * init count control var
String namesCountString = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Number of names to be written to file: ");
int namesCountInt = Integer.parseInt(namesCountString);

// Prompt user for names & write to file
do {
    String inputName = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Input a name to write to file: ");

    // Decrement count control var
} while (namesCountInt > 0);

// Close file


当你到达这个区 block 时:

        else if (appendChar == 'Y') {
            outputFile = new PrintWriter(fileWrite);


        PrintWriter outputFile = new PrintWriter(fileName);

并且 PrintWriter(String filename) 构造函数已截断文件。所以现在追加它已经太晚了。

您需要做的是使用任何特定值初始化outputFile;只需声明即可。您稍后将其设置为适当的值。另外,您应该延迟 fileWrite 的初始化,直到您真正需要它为止。

您还可以通过删除 outputFilefileWrite 的声明并替换以下所有行来使代码更加简洁:

    if (appendChar == 'N') {
    //Create PritnWriter object and pass file name names.txt
    outputFile = new PrintWriter(fileName);
    else if (appendChar == 'Y') {
    outputFile = new PrintWriter(fileWrite);


    PrintWriter outputFile = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(fileName, appendChar == 'Y'));

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