c - DMA 传输 RAM 到 RAM

标签 c windows x86 dma

我的一个 friend 告诉我,在 x86 架构上,DMA Controller 无法在两个不同的 RAM 位置之间传输。它只能在RAM和外设(如PCI总线)之间传输。


因为 AFAIK DMA Controller 应该能够在位于 BUS 上并具有地址的任意设备之间。特别是如果源地址和目标地址属于同一物理设备,我认为没有问题。


ISA(记得吗?;-)DMA 芯片肯定有一个 Fetch-and-Deposit传输类型。

但是,从 MASM32 forums :


Checking in "The Undocumented PC", he says memory to memory DMA is possible. He then goes on to say that there can be problems, limitations, and that the CPU can do the copy faster than the DMA hardware anyway (MOVSD on 386+).

So it seems to be a yes you can, but who cares, kind of thing.


Steve N.

关于c - DMA 传输 RAM 到 RAM,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4297539/


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