java - 如何从我在该类中创建的类访问该类的变量?

标签 java class


public class A{
    ArrayList<Runnable> classBList = new ArrayList<Runnable>();
    int x = 0;

    public A(){
        //This code here is in a loop so it gets called a variable number of times
        classBList.add(new B());
        new Thread(classBList.get(classBList.size())).start();

public class B implements Runnable{
    public B(){


    public void run(){
        //Does some things here. blah blah blah...

问题是我需要让 B 类的实例更改 A 类(创建 B 类的类)中的变量 x。但是,我不知道如何让 B 类知道它需要更改值或者如果可以的话。任何有关如何更改它的建议将不胜感激。谢谢!



  1. 制作B源自A并创建数据字段(或它们的访问器)protectedA 。我倾向于回避这个。

  2. 制作B接受 A其构造函数中的实例。

  3. 制作B接受在其构造函数中实现某个接口(interface)的类的实例,并具有 A实现该接口(interface)。



public TheInterface {
    void changeState();

public class A implements TheInterface {
    ArrayList<Runnable> classBList = new ArrayList<Runnable>();
    int x = 0;

    public A(){
        //This code here is in a loop so it gets called a variable number of times
        classBList.add(new B(this)); // <=== Passing in `this` so `B` instance has access to it
        new Thread(classBList.get(classBList.size())).start();

    // Implement the interface
    public void changeState() {
        // ...the state change here, for instance:

public class B implements Runnable{
    private TheInterface thing;

    public B(TheInterface theThing){
        thing = theThing;

    public void run(){
        // Change the thing's state

现在,两个 AB耦合到TheInterface ,但只有 A耦合到B ; B未耦合到A .

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