java - 计算二维数组中某个元素在给定列中出现的次数?

标签 java arrays


有人可以解释一下他们的思维过程吗? :( 我很难弄清楚这一点。我知道对于第一种方法,我们应该使用 for 循环或其他东西。 我知道我的方法的迭代是错误的...抱歉:(

 private int countOccurrencesInCol(int col, int d){
   for (int i = 0; i < grid.length; i++;){
     for(int j = col; j = col; j++;){
        if (grid[i][j] == d){
   return count;

此方法返回 9 X 9 矩阵中给定列中出现数字的次数。

    private int countPossiblePlacementsInCol (int col, int d){

此方法应该确定给定列中可以放置给定数字的点数,并返回给定列中可以放置数字的点数。如果该数字已经出现,则该方法返回 0。



private int countOccurrencesInCol(int col, int d) {
    // counter variable to count the number of occurrences
    int counter = 0;
    // matrix is the 2D array, the first index is the row, second is the column
    // loop through each index of the given column, checking for the digit, d
    for(int row = 0; row < matrix.length; row++) {
        // if a match is found...
        if(matrix[row][col] == d) {
            // increment the counter by one

    // return the final count
    return counter;


private int countPossiblePlacementsInCol(int col, int d) {
    // I am assuming an empty cell is indicated by 0. In that case,
    // we can reuse the previous method to find the number of occurrences of d,
    // and the occurences of 0

    // first, find out if the digit already occurs in the row, return 0
    // if it does:
    if(countOccurrencesInCol(col, d) > 0) {
        return 0;

    // next, return the number of times 0 occurs (the number of empty cells):
    return countOccurrencesInCol(col, 0);


private int countPossiblePlacementsInCol(int col, int d) {
    //start the same as the previous method:
    if(countOccurrencesInCol(col, d) > 0) {
        return 0;

    int counter = 0;
    // this time, for each cell in the column, you must check that it is a valid move:
    for(int row = 0; row < matrix.length; row++) {
        if(countOccurrencesInRow(row, d) == 0 &&
           countOccurencesInSquare(row, col, d) == 0) {

我这次使用的两个方法,countOccurrencesInRowcountOccurencesInSquare 将执行与 countOccurrencesInCol 类似的操作。 RowCol 基本相同,但它检查的是行而不是列。 Square 有点棘手。假设您了解数独规则,您应该知道正方形是 9x9 游戏板的 3x3 部分(其中有 9 个 3x3 部分)。 Square 方法将使用 row 和 col 来确定给定单元格位于哪个方格中,然后循环遍历该方格的行和列,计算给定数字的出现次数。为此,您需要使用两个 for 循环,一个嵌套在另一个循环内。如果您无法理解如何正确使用 for 循环和循环数组,那么我建议您向您的老师/教授咨询有关该主题的更多帮助。


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