java - JUnit 比较字符串

标签 java junit

在 JUnit 上做一些功课。我们必须测试我们所有的方法。我已正确编写了其他 4 个方法并进行了测试,但我遇到了 toString 方法无法正常工作的问题。

//here is my Gps constructor, if needed. I don't think it is, but including it just in case.

public Gps(String n, GpsCoordinates pos)
        super(); = n;
        this.position = pos;

//Here is my Gps.class toString() method that I want to test.
public String toString()
        String gps = "myGPS: " + name + ": " + position;
        return gps;

这是我的 JUnit 测试方法:

//Here are my instances in my GpsTest.class

private GpsCoordinates testGpsCoordinates = new GpsCoordinates(40.760671, -111.891122);
private Gps testGps3 = new Gps("TEST3", testGpsCoordinates);

//Here is my toString test method
    public void testToString()
            String expected = "myGPS: TEST3: 40.760671, -111.891122";
            assertEquals(expected, testGps3.toString());

所以当我运行这个时,我遇到了 JUnit 失败。我检查了日志,上面写着:

myGPS: TEST3: 40.760671, -111.891122

myGPS: TEST3: 40.760671, -111.891122


有人能指出我正确的方向吗?我已经搞砸了 30 分钟了,移动我的实例,重命名东西等等,并且正在抓狂。

cricket_007 要求我添加我的 GpsCooperatives.toString(),这里是:

public String toString()
    //formatting this to only return to 6 decimal places. On a separate part
    //of the assignment, we are to add a random double to the GpsCoordinates
    //(like a fake "gps update") and limit it to 6 decimal places.
    DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("####.000000");
    return df.format(latitude) + ", " + df.format(longitude) + "\n";


预期值没有“\n”,而 GpsCooperative.toString() 添加了它。

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