java - Java 项目中的 Eclipse 警告 "Replace the type specification in this constructor call with the diamond operator (' < >')"

标签 java eclipse java-8 sonarlint sonarlint-eclipse

Eclipse 询问 Replace the type specification in this constructor call with the diamond operator ('<>') 时是什么意思? ,既然所说的运算符(operator)已经在那里了?

然后我将光标放在蓝色下划线的内容上,然后按 F2 了解更多信息,然后我收到此消息 ( Replace the type specification in this constructor call with the diamond operator ('<>') ):

An Eclipse warning saying "Replace the type specification in this constructor call with the diamond operator ('<>')"

如果我删除Object从内部<> ,Eclipse还是不高兴:

An Eclipse warning saying "Replace the type specification in this constructor call with the diamond operator ('<>')"



  • java.util.List已导入
  • 更改已保存
  • Project -> Clean...命令已应用



这似乎是 SonarLint 中的一个错误的钻石操作符检查器,而不是 Eclipse JDT:请参阅 the source code of SonarLint that contains the message .

另请参阅:SonarJava Rule 2293: The diamond operator ("<>") should be used


禁用SonarJava规则2293使用Eclipse警告泛型类型>改为冗余类型参数(1.7 或更高)

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