java - 为什么这个方法不打印它的文本? (java)

标签 java methods


public static int chooseStrat () 
    String[] strats = new String[1] ; 
    strats[0] = "0 - Blob" ;
    int n ;
    boolean a = false ; 
    while (a == false) ;
        System.out.println ("Which strategy should the AI use?(#)") ;
        printArrayS (strats) ; 
        n = getInt () ; 
        System.out.println ("you selected "+n+"."+" are you sure you want the computer to use the "+ strats[n]+ " ?(Y/N)") ;
        String c = getIns () ;  
        while ((((!(   (c.equals ("y")) || (c.equals ("Y"))   )) && (!( (c.equals ("n")) ||  (c.equals ("N")) ) ) ))) ;
            System.out.println ("try again") ;
            c = getIns () ;
        if ( (c.equals ("Y")) || (c.equals ("y")) ) 
            a = true ; 
    return n ; 

当我运行它时,它永远不会打印“AI 应该使用哪种策略?(#)”,它只是尝试从键盘获取输入。为什么要这样做?


while () *;* 没有执行您想要的操作,请删除分号。

顺便说一句,任何像样的 java 编译器都会警告你这一点,你读过它告诉你的内容吗?

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