java - 需要算法来用密码保护字符串吗?

标签 java passwords password-protection

我正在寻找一种简单快速的算法来使用密码加密/解密字符串(长度约为 128 字节)。


添加:自定义算法绝对没问题。占用的内存更少 - 更好(对于我的情况)。没有额外的类(class) - 完美。


AES Algorithm : Implementation

AES is a federal standard for private-key or symmetric cryptography. It supports combinations of key and block sizes of 128, 192, and 256.


怎么样IDEA - International Data Encryption Algorithm

IDEA is the name of the patented and universally applicable block encryption algorithm, which permits the effective protection of transmitted and stored data against unauthorized access by third parties.

参见实现:How to implement IDEA?

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