java - 如何设计一个不做并行数组的程序

标签 java arrays class methods

我正在做 Java 教科书中的一项作业,内容如下:

Modify the GradeRange program (Listing 6.5) from this chapter so that it doesn't use parallel arrays. Instead, design a new class called Grade that stores both the grade string and its cutoff value (the lowest score for that grade). Set both values using the Grade constructor and provide methods that return the values. In the main method of the new GradeRange program, fill a single array with Grade objects, and then produce the same output as the original GradeRange program did.

这是 GradeRange 程序:

//       Author: Lewis/Loftus/Cocking
//  Demonstrates the use of an array of String objects.

public class GradeRange
   //  Stores the possible grades and their numeric lowest value,
   //  then prints them out.

 public static void main (String[] args)
  String[] grades = {"A", "A-", "B+", "B", "B-", "C+", "C", "C-",
                     "D+", "D", "D-", "F"};

  int[] cutoff = {95, 90, 87, 83, 80, 77, 73, 70, 67, 63, 60, 0};

  for (int level = 0; level < cutoff.length; level++)
     System.out.println (grades[level] + "\t" + cutoff[level]);



...stores both the grade string and its cutoff value... Set both values using the Grade constructor...


public class Grade
public Grade (String[] grades, int[] cutoff)


fill a single array with Grade objects


A   95
A-  90
B+  87
B   83
B-  80
C+  77
C   73
C-  70
D+  67
D   63
D-  60
F   0


如图所示,您的 Grade 类看起来仍将包含两个并行数组,但只是隐藏它们。


class Grade
     // TODO add all the correct constructors, getters and setters
     private String grade;
     private int cutoff;

然后,您需要创建并存储 Grade 实例的数组。

关于java - 如何设计一个不做并行数组的程序,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:



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