java - 为什么我无法对这个 ArrayList 进行排序?

标签 java sorting arraylist interface comparable

我正在从我的教科书中复制一个示例,但它拒绝编译。我是不是在某个地方写错了?由于某种原因,在客户端代码上,Collections.sort(words) 不允许程序编译。任何帮助表示赞赏。代码复制自 Stuart Reges 和 Marty Stepp 的《Building Java Programs》第二版。我试图通过复制它来理解它。

该程序应该创建一个 CalendarDate 对象并将其放入 ArrayList 中。通过实现 CalendarDate 的 Comparable 接口(interface),我可以使用 Collections.sort 在该数组列表中按顺序对生日进行排序。但是,这不起作用,因为 Collections.sort(dates) 将不会运行。


import java.util.*;

// Short program that creates a list of birthdays of the
// first 5 U.S. Presidents and that puts them into sorted order.
// We can now use Collections.sort for ArrayList<CalendarDate> b/c CalendarDate implements the Comparable interface. 

public class CalendarDateTest {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ArrayList<CalendarDate> dates = new ArrayList<CalendarDate>(); // Creates a new ArrayList of 'CalendarDate' object type.

        // adds a new CalendarDate object with month = 2 and day = 22 into an element of ArrayList dates, and etc.
        dates.add(new CalendarDate(2, 22)); // Washington
        dates.add(new CalendarDate(10, 30)); //Adams
        dates.add(new CalendarDate(4, 13)); // Jefferson
        dates.add(new CalendarDate(3, 16)); // Madison
        dates.add(new CalendarDate(4, 28)); // Monroe

        System.out.println("birthdays = " + dates); // Before sorting
        Collections.sort(dates); // WHY WON'T THIS WORK?
        System.out.println("birthdays = " + dates); // After Sorting


CalendarDate 对象类:

 public class CalendarDate implements Comparable<CalendarDate> { 
    private int month;
    private int day;

    // Constructor
    public CalendarDate(int month, int day) {
        this.month = month; = day;

    // Compares this calendar date to another date
    // Dates are compared by month and then by day
    public int compareTo(CalendarDate other) {
        if (month != other.month) { // If different months
            return month - other.month; //negative, positive, or zero
        } else { // If same months; compare days instead
            return day -; // negative, positive, or zero

    // Accessor for month (b/c month is private)
    public int getMonth() {
        return this.month;

    // Accessor for day (b/c day is private)
    public int getDay() {

    // A toString method
    public String toString() {
        return month + "/" + day;


 public interface Comparable<T> { // T is the generic type (a placeholder for when other classes implement this)
        public int compareTo(T other); // placeholder to be implemented; need more specific version into class implementing this.


Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problem: 
    Bound mismatch: The generic method sort(List<T>) of type Collections is not applicable for the arguments (ArrayList<CalendarDate>). The inferred type CalendarDate is not a valid substitute for the bounded parameter <T extends Comparable<? super T>>

    at CalendarDateExample.CalendarDateTest.main(


不要定义自己的Comparable接口(interface)。您需要实现 java.lang.Comparable .

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