java - 寻找通用ArrayList中的最小值

标签 java generics arraylist max min

我不断收到一条消息,告诉我运算符(operator) <类型 T,T 未定义。这发生在周围



package p07;

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class MyList<T extends Number> {
    private ArrayList<T> l;

    public MyList(ArrayList<T> l) {
    public void add(T x) {
    public static <T> void smallest(ArrayList<T> l) {
        T lowest=l.get(0);
        for(T index:l) {
            if(index<lowest) { 



编译器是正确的:运算符<仅适用于原始数字类型。引用section 15.20.1 JLS 的:

The type of each of the operands of a numerical comparison operator must be a type that is convertible (§5.1.8) to a primitive numeric type, or a compile-time error occurs.

因此,它不是为对象定义的,甚至不是为数字定义的,因为它们无法拆箱为原始类型:section 5.1.8 JLS 的:

A type is said to be convertible to a numeric type if it is a numeric type (§4.2), or it is a reference type that may be converted to a numeric type by unboxing conversion.

您需要的是使用 Comparator 或制作您的对象 Comparable Comparator s 负责比较相同类型的两个对象。由于这里的对象是数字,而不是 Comparable ,您需要使用自定义Comparator ,像这样:

Comparator<Number> myComparator = new Comparator<Number>() {
    public int compareTo(Number n1, Number n2) {
        // implement logic here.
        // Return -1 if n1 < n2, 0 if n1 = n2, 1 if n1 > n2


public static <T extends Number> T smallest(List<T> l) {
    T lowest = l.get(0);
    for (T index : l) {
        if (myComparator.compareTo(index, lowest) < 0) { 
            index = lowest;
    return lowest;

(请注意,我将 T extends Number 添加到方法的类型中 - 这是因为该方法是静态的,因此它实际上声明了该类所属的另一种类型 T

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