java - 使用 Java 中的映射实现的队列数据结构,大小限制为 5

标签 java data-structures dictionary queue linkedhashmap

I have map with some records. I want to restrict that map to only 5 elements and whenever a new element is added the first item should be removed and new element should be added in last position of map. Something similar to FIFO. Can anyone please suggest me a data structure to use or the solution itself.


Map<String,String> map=new LinkedHashMap<String,String>(5);
for(int i=0;i<5;i++){
map.put("5","5"); /* should remove map.get(0) and map.size will be still 5.Contents      would 1,2,3,4,5 */


LinkedHashMap作为基类并重写其 removeEldestEntry 方法,如该方法的示例使用中所述。

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