java - Java 中的程序代码修改(例如变量提取)

标签 java reflection bytecode-manipulation



public void foo(){ = 100;


public int baz = 100;

public void foo(){ = baz;

也许 Java 并不是真正适合做这种事情的语言 - 如果不是,我愿意接受有关语言的建议,这些语言将允许我基本上以这种方式重新解析或检查代码,并能够更改它如此精确。不过,我可能在这里做白日梦,所以请告诉我是否也是这种情况。


只是添加 friend 的建议 - Apache Commons 的 BCEL 看起来很棒:

The Byte Code Engineering Library (Apache Commons BCEL™) is intended to give users a convenient way to analyze, create, and manipulate (binary) Java class files (those ending with .class). Classes are represented by objects which contain all the symbolic information of the given class: methods, fields and byte code instructions, in particular. Such objects can be read from an existing file, be transformed by a program (e.g. a class loader at run-time) and written to a file again. An even more interesting application is the creation of classes from scratch at run-time. The Byte Code Engineering Library (BCEL) may be also useful if you want to learn about the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and the format of Java .class files.

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