
标签 redis

我已经启动了端口为 6001 的服务器作为主服务器,关闭了持久性 aof,端口为 6002 的从服务器作为 6001 的主服务器。但是在启动从服务器时,我在无限循环中遇到以下错误还请注意能够找到任何错误日志一样..

Slave infinite loop logs : 

[5556] 20 Aug 21:34:28.499 # Server started, Redis version 3.2.100
[5556] 20 Aug 21:34:28.500 * DB loaded from disk: 0.001 seconds
[5556] 20 Aug 21:34:28.500 * The server is now ready to accept connections on port 6002
[5556] 20 Aug 21:34:28.501 * Connecting to MASTER localhost:6001
[5556] 20 Aug 21:34:28.513 * MASTER <-> SLAVE sync started
[5556] 20 Aug 21:34:29.513 * Non blocking connect for SYNC fired the event.
[5556] 20 Aug 21:34:29.513 # Sending command to master in replication handshake: -Writing to master: Unknown error
[5556] 20 Aug 21:34:29.516 * Connecting to MASTER localhost:6001
[5556] 20 Aug 21:34:29.517 * MASTER <-> SLAVE sync started


问题已解决,redis.conf 包含 作为绑定(bind)值,从从属 redis.conf 文件,我有本地主机的 SLAVE。用 替换本地主机解决了问题

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